From the Editor #2

Hey there, sports fans!

Thank you for making January 2011 our record-making month for visits!

I really appreciate everyone who comes to visit the site, whether you’re just casually browsing, or reading every single post, your continued participation is truly welcome. And we hope to add even more for you to enjoy in the next few months.

One of the things I’ve been trying to figure out is just how to mix this site with the social media content. What goes where? And I think we have a process now that seems to be working, even though we might still tweak it a bit. Facebook will be mostly a place for us (and you) to post articles from all over the Internet. If it has anything to do with science fiction, or science, or anime, or comic books, or gaming…. it can go there as a sort of news feed. And we welcome your participation! Post links, photos (as long as you’re not violating copyright, of course…) and share your part of the world with everyone else.

In the meantime, the original content – reviews, interviews, articles – will be posted here. And everything feeds into the Twitter stream so you can stay connected no matter which platform you use to be a part of the SciFi4Me community.

Each month, I hope to add a new feature – or bring one back, as is the case this month. You may have noticed the addition of the FRIDAY TRAILER PARK. Every Friday, we’ll post trailers for upcoming movies and TV shows from all around the genre. Might even throw in some video game and web show trailers as well. (Sorry, no fan films yet.)

Kick around. Stay a while. We’re just getting re-started…


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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