Pokémon — Google let you find some back in April. Our youngest correspondent, James Hunt, has put together a list of 20 for you to find and catch with your writing instrument of choice. How many can you find?
Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.
3 thoughts on “FRIDAY FUNBLOCK: Word Find #7 – Pokémon Catch”
Can’t find 5 of these no matter how much I look…
(Gigalith, Moltres, Articuno, Scizor, & Meowth)
An answer key would be nice to make sure I’m not going blind or crazy.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. You are correct: those words apparently didn’t make it into the puzzle. Those were auto-generated by an online program, and then we paste the puzzle into the document. As near as we can figure, some rows of letters must have been cropped.
So, you’re not going blind or crazy. And we will definitely be more diligent if we do any more of these. Thanks for keeping us on our toes!
Can’t find 5 of these no matter how much I look…
(Gigalith, Moltres, Articuno, Scizor, & Meowth)
An answer key would be nice to make sure I’m not going blind or crazy.
Double checked & they not there at all…
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. You are correct: those words apparently didn’t make it into the puzzle. Those were auto-generated by an online program, and then we paste the puzzle into the document. As near as we can figure, some rows of letters must have been cropped.
So, you’re not going blind or crazy. And we will definitely be more diligent if we do any more of these. Thanks for keeping us on our toes!