Ezekiel and the Evil LIBRARIANS
Episode 109: And the Apple of Discord
Natural disasters are occurring around the globe. As the weather rages outside the Annex, Jenkins and the team are looking up historical weather anomalies to explain the earthquakes and geothermal activity. Suddenly, the doors shake and… look what the storm blew in: Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle), who enters and announces “It’s the dragons.”
As Jenkins and Flynn explain, the East and West dragons have been in a blood feud for a very long time over their possessive tendencies, and now, a formidable dragon representative, Mr. Drake (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa), is on the way to demand an intercession. Flynn is scrambling to prepare for Mr. Drake’s visit, but he’s not fast enough. Ezekiel opens the door for Mr. Drake, who is definitely NOT the pizza delivery guy that Ezekiel was expecting.
Mr. Drake, a dragon himself, represents the Eastern dragons, whose Mystic Pearl has been stolen by the Western dragons. Since Ezekiel was the first to speak to Mr. Drake, he is now considered the arbiter of the long list of grievances prepared by the Eastern dragons, and must also manage to return the pearl to its rightful owners, under the threat of many more natural disasters in the very near future.
Ezekiel is now stuck presiding over the long, drawn-out (and very boring) legal proceedings with his hastily appointed conciliar, Jenkins, while Flynn and the rest of the team prepare to go to Rome to pull off a Mystic Pearl heist, sans their best thief (oh, the irony). Using their wormhole door, they enter through the Vatican (complete with a possible Pope sighting) and begin looking for the secret entrance to the dragon’s lair.
Out on the street, Cassandra goes into a Fibonacci-crazed trance and Jacob helps her focus to find the door by stepping on the correct cobblestones on the street. Together, they open up a sinkhole, attracting the attention of the local police. Now, there’s only one way to escape: down.
Underground in the tunnels below Rome, they must brave sound-activated darts and select from a display of three identical huge pearls. As Jacob makes his choice, we know immediately that something is wrong. His eyes glow purple, and he shuts his teammates in the tunnel and goes off by himself to explore the museum upstairs. There, he becomes an angry art expert, rearranging the paintings and creating general mayhem in the gallery.
Back at the Annex, Ezekiel, Jenkins and Mr. Drake are working through the long list of grievances when the doorbell rings again: to Ezekiel’s disappointment: it’s still not the pizza delivery. Several people of various magical backgrounds enter, each has been called to attend a conclave, or as Jenkins puts it: the U.N. of supernatural people. Jenkins is puzzled by this assembly, wondering who sent out the invitations, and he argues with Ezekiel, accusing him of not taking this seriously and stating that none of the new Librarians should be Librarians. and we see him loading his things in his car to leave. As Ezekiel accuses him of being a coward for running away just when they need him most, we hear Jenkins start to defend his actions, offering us a small reveal about how the choices in his history led him to a life of solitude in the Annex.
Meanwhile, wandering through the underground tunnels of Rome: Flynn, Baird and Cassandra find a talking wall — well, it’s actually a very large dragon who tells them that he didn’t steal the pearl. Since “dragons can’t lie,” they figure that they’ve been played, but by whom? Upstairs in the museum, they force Jacob to drop the pearl, which breaks, revealing a golden apple, a.k.a. the Apple of Discord. The magic apple brings out the worst possible version of the person holding it. As Jacob becomes his normal, likeable self, Cassandra picks up the golden apple, and under its influence, creates a diversion and runs off. She doesn’t get far before she is stopped by Lamia (Lesley Ann Brandt), top minion to uber-bad guy Dulaque (Matt Frewer). Cassandra’s mathematical abilities serve her in self defense against Lamia, whom she leaves wounded and very confused. Cassandra, wanting more of a challenge sets out (dressed only in her undergarments) to find a bigger challenge. For example: a power station.
#TheLibrarians is presently demonstrating how literally "kickass" math is.
— zeedub (@zakkorama) December 29, 2014
Cheetah bootie shorts!! #TheLibrarians @LindyBooth @GeoffThorne
— Michee Rose (she/her) (@elfieodette) December 29, 2014
IS it wrong that I think THIS Cassandra is kinda HOT? #TheLibrarians @LindyBooth
— Robert Powell (@RWPowell1966) December 29, 2014
Back at the Annex, Ezekiel (without Jenkins) is working through the list of grievances at the table full of supernatural delegates when Dulaque shows up, eating a large slice of Ezekiel’s double cheese and pepperoni (“wow — he really IS evil”). Dulaque invites himself to the conclave and suggests that since the Library is missing, its Librarians are obsolete and calls for a vote to unseat them and take charge. Cue Jenkins to the rescue. He returns to the conclave, spouting proper procedure (including a mention of Wold-Newton) and buying some much needed time. After all, “it wouldn’t do to muck about with protocol.”
Back in Rome, Cassandra setting up a cascade failure of Europe’s power grid as the team interrupts her. They occupy her mind with questions about the last digit of pi while Jacob plants the “safety switch” in her head (a little trick he learned from reading her journal), which puts her out cold and makes her drop the apple.
Jake pays attention to what Cassandra writes in her notebook. Shipping. Shipping. So shipping. #TheLibrarians
— Mindy (@westwingwolf) December 29, 2014
Flynn and Baird both touch the apple at the same time (have you people learned NOTHING?) and start a heated power struggle until Lamia interrupts and Flynn ends up with the apple, her weapon, and a very large god complex.
Just as Dulaque is forcing a vote of no confidence, Flynn arrives back at the Library Annex, where he (still holding the apple) boldly addresses the group, issuing cutting truths about them like verbal kung fu. He’s about to overdo it when Jenkins and Ezekiel intervene with a plan. Against all of the prior concerns from the team about how Ezekiel should never be allowed to touch it, he picks Flynn’s pocket and retrieves the apple. He is unaffected by the apple since “he is already the worst version of himself.” (Really? Cut the guy a break — he’s not nearly as bad as the evil version of Cassandra.)
Ezekiel then puts his “thief brain” to work and identifies the true taker of the pearl, and the person who planted the apple of discord: Mr. Drake. Mr. Drake makes a quiet exit and the rest are dismissed.
It was an absolute honor + pleasure working a lot of these scenes with @CHTagawa who is just completely zen.
— John Harlan Kim (@johnharlankim) December 29, 2014
Jenkins confronts Dulaque, accusing him of orchestrating the entire situation, but there’s no proof. He and Dulaque clearly have history that goes back for about a millennium, and we learn that they each made a choice that took them down very different paths.
Dulaque. Jenkins. Intriguing. Brothers? #TheLibrarians is just too much fun!
— Sheldon A. Wiebe (@SheldonAWiebe) December 29, 2014
Flynn and Eve have rekindled a love spark, and he acknowledges that the rookie Librarians are coming along nicely under her watch. He offers her transfer papers to go back to her old job; however, she agrees to continue being the Guardian and encourages Flynn to continue his mission to find the Library.
All is well until next week’s episode, when fairy tales come to life in The Librarians: And the Fables of Doom.