Television & Film

EUREKA – Up in the Air

banner_recapLast Week: I was on vacation, so I didn’t recap. Sorry. But there were contact lenses that made you psychic and people were going to space.

Fargo does an old school Project Titan Newsreel Explaining to us that Phase One of the crew selections are done and now the 100+ candidates are entering the physical fitness portion of the trials.

Carter is waiting outside Café Diem for Allison, who basically runs up to him in snit. She has been so busy with the Titan project and her other duties at GD that she totally forgot about their coffee date. Carter asks if she has time now, but she blows him off (again not a euphemism) and runs in the opposite direction to be busy somewhere else.

But all is not lost for Carter, as Henry is delivering his freshly repaired Jeep. I don’t remember what happened to it last week, but I’m sure it was something horrible. Nothing good has ever happened to that thing.

But perhaps things are looking up for Sheriff Jeep, as Henry has applied a special super strong coating to the outside in the hops that now he won’t have to keep repairing it over and over. If I had a nickel, Henry.

So now it’s off to the Titan training, where Miss Jo Lupo is going all ‘Full Metal Jacket’ on the recruits. She yells she screams, she asks them if they know what pushups are. A question that Good Lady Wife answers with the textbook definition, which is hilarious. Good on ya, Good Lady Wife, I may learn your name after all.

Jo yells for everyone to SHOW her what pushups are and all the egg heads struggle… except for Zane who finishes his 50 in no time. Jo has him do 50 more… can this whole episode just be about Jo hurling insults at Zane while he does calisthenics?

Back at GD, Dr Holly and Fargo spew cute flirtiness all over each other. She is distracted by Titan and is having trouble containing his crush on her, which turns into jealousy when she informs him that she had a dinner date the night before. Before Dr. Holly can tell us WHO the luckiest man in the world is, a GD employee sprints by. Causing Fargo to remark that he hasn’t seen that particular guy run since their Warcraft Guild elected a new leader. Ha.

Dr. Holly informs him that he has to pass the physical tests to go on the Titan mission just like everyone else, Head of GD or not. Fargo grouses about it, but takes the trainee jumpsuit anyway. Mainly because the logo is cute.

Meanwhile in the Med Lab, Allison is having a ton of new equipment delivered. See, along with the Titan Project, the med lab is getting all new imaging equipment, AND has to inoculate the whole town so the Titan Astronauts don’t accidentally send an Earth pathogen into space. She is a busy lady. And on top of all that, Fargo jogs into the Med Lab to dump his duties off onto her so he can train for the Titan mission. At first she is having exactly NONE of it, but Fargo sweet talks her into it. Allison is such a mom.

Allison watches as a large box of inoculants is delivered, she yells for her staff to start unloading it… but… it’s already unloaded? Allison gets a little weirded out by that.

Meanwhile, at Café Diem, Vincent asks Carter why he’s not training with the Titan crew. Carter informs him that he is in the best shape of his life, which causes Vincent to laugh to cover his leering at Carters totally smoking hot body. There is not nearly enough shirtlessness on this show. I’ve just decided that.

Kevin come in and complains about how Allison got his eggs wrong that morning. Oh God, this isn’t another Kevin episode is it? That kid annoys the autism out of me.

Luckily, before Kevin can attach himself to the storyline, Carter is called off… to the site of a bank robbery! He is super excited about having a normal crime to investigate and he tells Robot Deputy Andy about all the normal police procedures they are going to do, until he sees what we have all seen in the previews, the whole bank is gone.

Way to spoil the surprise, Syfy.

Henry and Carter examine the bank site. Henry techno babbles about all the stuff that the bank is made of. Henry wonders aloud why anyone would want to steal the bank. Carter: “Because that’s… where the money is?” Ha. Henry reminds Carter that all funds in Eureka are transferred electronically, so the bank doesn’t have nay money in it. Way to forget the way the TOWN you’ve LIVED IN FOR 5 YEARS works, Carter. The only things in the bank are safety deposit boxes for the citizen’s valuables. Robot Deputy Andy is dealing with said citizenship as the crowd the sheriff’s office worried about their safety deposit boxes.

At Titan Training, Jo is getting all R. Lee Early on Team Beta of trainees, this one containing Dr. Holly, Fargo, Dr. Wesley Crusher, and … Zane? Isn’t he in group Alpha? Jo asks him the same question while he… does arm curls… in… a tank top….

Huh? What? Where was I?

Oh, right. Zane should NOT be in this group, but he’s doubling up on training. This gets Jo all flustered and she stomps over to Dr. Holly to see is he can do that. Dr. Holly doesn’t see a problem with it, but she does point out that all the training in the world won’t matter since Zane’s criminal record makes him ineligible anyway. Jo does some concerned face acting.

In the Med Lab, Allison is giving Good Lady Wife her physical and they talk about how hard Jo is working everyone, then they gossip about their menfolk. Then, in the most awkward way ever, Allison asks Good Lady Wife about the time loss, Good Lady Wife isn’t concerned, she thinks that Allison is just stressed, but she agrees to run some tests later.

Fargo enters Café Diem to find Dr. Holly having lunch with Dr. Crusher! I should really look up these people’s actual character names, but what’s the point? Turns out that Crusher is who Dr. Holly had dinner with last night! Exclamation Point!! This gets Fargo all flustered, which Crusher loves.

So they all head back to Titan Training where Jo is enjoying her power trip. Crusher and Dr. Holly are workout partners, much to Fargo’s chagrin. Jo orders her troops to get out the medicine balls for a little training and Crusher tosses one to Fargo, which makes him fly away kind of like a certain financial institution…. Hmmm, the plot, she does thicken.

At the Sheriff Office, Carter and Robot Deputy Andy try to figure out where the bank went.  Apparently, the stuff in the safety deposit boxes is all junk and no one would want to steal it. Jo calls Carter while Andy takes another townsfolk’s statement about what was in his safety deposit box. Jo tells Carter that somehow Fargo is at the top of a tree, mewling like a kitten.

As Carter heads out to take care of it, the townsfolk mentions that he has antimatter in his safety deposit box, suddenly the B Plot skyrockets to A position. See, antimatter is an explosive, that makes the bank a bomb.

Carter grouses about the antimatter and Henry gives him an antimatter detector. I kind of love it when Carter gets upset that Eureka can never do anything normally. Andy is sent to help get Fargo out of the tree…

Which he does, carrying him down like a tiny baby. Crusher and Fargo become snippy children at each other because Crusher threw the medicine ball which causes Fargo to fly into the tree in the first place. They are both such jerks that it’s a total surprise when Dr. Holly offers to help Fargo train for the Titan mission. But before he can get his mack on, Fargo is called back to GD.

Allison and Fargo do a Walk and Talk about basic GD housekeeping and how tedious Fargo finds it while he is training for Titan. Suddenly, Allison loses some time and Fargo is thanking her for her great idea. Allison, in a minor panic, asks what her great idea was.Fargo informs her that she just offered herself as temporary head of GD while Fargo trains for the Titan mission. Allison is really starting to get freaked out by these blackouts.

In the garage, Good Lady Wife is attempting pull-ups when Henry arrives. They discuss the fact that she will more than likely not be going on the titan mission, and Good Lady Wife complains that they have never spent any time apart in the whole of their relationship, clearly forgetting that this Henry is form an Alternate reality where he didn’t even KNOW her… but I digress. They are worried about what the distance will do to them.

Out at the training field, Andy is having trouble locating the medicine balls. Where could they be? It’s not like they floated away… oh, right. That’s exactly what they did. See, they are made of the same material as the bank (really??)

Henry calls Carter to tell him about the metal thing and Carter tells him that he’s just found the bank. And in the OTHER scene from the promos, he steps out of the jeep to find it and the bank floating over the lake, which he promptly falls into.

Carter is in the med lab getting checked out while freaking out about falls in over 30 feet into a body of water. Allison says he’s fine and to stop being such a little girl. Henry comes in and says that the bank is fine, but now other stuff is flying around. Objects with dense metal in it make it float.

Allison has a headache and she’s freaking out. She sends Carter to look for all the stuff in town that is floating away.

Back at the training site, Zane is boxing when Jo comes to find him to tell him that training has been cancelled until stuff stops flying away. Jo and Zane snipe at each other for a moment before Jo gives him some boxing tips. Zane didn’t know that Jo boxed. Of course she boxed. Are you kidding me, show?

Zane and Jo talk about how Zane wants to be on the mission, Jo is really upset about having to burst his bubble, but she does, telling him that his criminal record makes him ineligible for the mission. And Zane says he knows. So why is he training so hard? So he can pull a Cartman and say ‘screw you guys’ to all the people that say he can’t go. He wants them to want him. Jo is impressed.

Inside SARAH, Allison is checking up on her children, making sure her baby is alive, and whatnot. She hands Baby Jenna over to Kevin, telling him that she forgot something in her car and she heads up to get it…. And wakes up standing in the middle of the street. She had another blackout!!

At GD, Carter, Henry, Fargo, and Dr. Holly try to figure out why everything is floating away. Henry says that gravity is acting normally, so Fargo, Dr. Holly and Henry have a techno-babble off to figure it out. At this point, I have a headache, too. Why can’t we go back to watching Zane and Jo train?

Apparently, a Hicks Field Gravity Generator that was in one of the safety deposit boxes is making everything float. Dr. Holly gives one to Carter who turns it on and it crushes him to the ground.

Now, back in the possible brain tumor storyline, Allison arrives back at SARAH and is informed by Kevin that she has been gone for hours. She is totally freaking out right now! How great would it be if this was a brain tumor storyline? It would inject some realness into this science fiction show and it might make me forgive it a little for magically clearing up Kevin’s autism. But no, we all know it’s the implant Dr. Beverly Barlow injected into Allison’s skull that’s making her act all wonky.

Out on the street, Carter reenacts the part of the opening credits where everything flouts away and it’s super cute.

Henry has the residents of Eureka come to GD where it’s shielding will protect them from the flying objects.

Carter finds Allison hiding in the Med Lab. She is not in a good place, worried about her health and her sanity. I have to say, Salli Richardson, is acting the HELL out of this storyline. She spills the whole situation to Carter, who is worried, but tries to be supportive.

Dr. Holly tells them that Jo found the Higgs Field thingy and Carter runs off to yell at Crusher because it’s HIS Higgs that’s causing the problem! Carter and Crusher have a snark-off, and Jo makes a ‘Commander Data’ joke at Robot Deputy Andy’s expense.

See, the antimatter jump-started the Higgs thing and so now Carter has to go up and pull them apart.

Elsewhere, with the help of the new imaging equipment in the med lab, Allison finds the implants form a couple of episodes ago.

Carter takes a flying medicine ball up to the floating bank (a sentence I never thought I would write) and climbs in one of the windows. But the bank is not stable so Carter falls all over the place in a bout of physical comedy. Finally, Carter makes it to the vault, which has already been remotely reprogrammed to open by his DNA (GD has his sputum on file in case of emergency’s exactly like this one.)

Carter heads to the safety deposit boxes while Dr. Holly pours cute and rainbows and techno babble out all over everyone. She is my new favorite, why is she not on every TV show again?

Carter finds the antimatter and he puts it in the box they gave him. Then, he pulls out the disruptor and it is powered off. Which means… everything is suppose the float back to Earth at a decelerated rate, but… no, the bank falls out of the sky.

Dr Holly goes to check her math.

The bank is falling to Carter’s death and he is totally freaking out. He is going through the safety deposit boxes looking for something that can possibly save his life.

Back on the ground, Jo realizes that they can use a thing no one can accurately describe to save the day. With absolutely no information to go on, Carter finds it, activates it using the antimatter, and stops the bank before it smashes into the ground. Everything else floats down to the ground

Dr Holly is totally stoked. Every TV show, she should be on.

Everything made it down safely… except for the Jeep which made it to orbit. No one seems worried about how close it’s getting to the International Space Station…

Good Lady Wife is working out in the gym to get ready for the Titan training when Henry enters. The new imaging equipment at GD has shown that he has a small heart defect. It means that he is washed out of the program. Good Lady Wife refuses to take no for an answer and she says they are BOTH going to Titan! They hug, and they look worried over each other’s shoulders.

Dr. Holly and Crusher are back at Café Diem when Fargo arrives. The two men use the most obvious code in the WORLD to declare all out war for Dr. Holly’s affections, but she does not notice, because she is basically oblivious. This is going to be complicated. Especially since I can’t remember Crusher’s actual character name.

At the bar, Zane and Jo talk about her joining the mission. Jo says she can’t go because she’s not smart enough (and she didn’t apply, and she didn’t go through the interview process, and she wasn’t one of the selected candidates) Zane tells her they should both go on the mission. He is going to help her they are going to be friends. Which is something Jo and alt Zane never did.

Back at SARAH, Allison is sitting on the couch in front of a roaring fire looking hella evil. When did she and the kids move into SARAH in the first place? Carter arrives and asks her how she is doing. In a lab in an undisclosed location, Dr. Beverly Barlow answers! Looks like she is in complete control of Allison now!

Next Week: Allison is TOTALLY EVIL NOW!!!

[Official Show Site at Syfy]

Dustin Adair

Dustin Adair grew up telling odd stories to concerned family members in Wimberley, Texas. He went on to study Screenwriting and Costume Design at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri. He currently tells odd stories to concerned friends in Kansas City, Missouri.

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