TechnologyTelevision & Film

ENDER’S GAME Roundup 5.25.12



It’s been a while since Ender’s Game has been front and center in the news. We’ve collected the latest and put it here at your fingertips:

Summit has set the release date for November 1, 2013. The only other science fiction flick out that same time will be Singularity.

For those who want to follow the action as it happens, one of the ways you can do that is to visit the production blog. Roberto Orci is a frequent contributor, answering fan questions about adapting the book into a movie, and posting photos like this one:

And this one:

First Showing passed along this piece on MTV News, in which Bobby Cohen talks about shooting parts of the movie at the NASA facility that was converted into a soundstage. [via First Showing]

In related news, producers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman have recently inked a deal to bring even more reboots to the screen, The Mummy and Van Helsing being among them. They’re not too keen on it over at The Mary Sue. What do you think of all these remakes?

And Digital Domain is making news: a new partnership with Beijing Galloping Horse Film Co., Ltd. in China and a $100 million grant to develop a new studio and animation lab in Abu Dhabi, a partnership with twofour54. We’ll expand on this in a separate article soon.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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