BooksTelevision & Film

Elijah Wood Will Assist DIRK GENTLY


Headshot_ElijahWoodThe upcoming adaptation of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency has found its Todd in Elijah Wood.

Wood (The Lord of the Rings, TRON: Uprising, Wilfred) will play the reluctant sidekick/assistant for the titular detective, yet to be cast, in the new hour-long “comedic thriller” developed by Max Landis (Chronicle). The character is original to this adaptation.

The series is based on the novels by Douglas Adams. Landis will executive produce along with Ted Adams and David Ozer from IDW, David Alpert and Rick Jacobs from Circle of Confusion, and IDEATE MEDIA’s Zainir Aminullah and Arvind Ethan David.

Earlier in his career, David had also developed a stage version of Dirk Gently.

From the press release:

He’s not a sidekick. Todd’s just flat out better than Dirk at a lot of things. He always attempts to solve matters with the fewest steps possible; despite being a compassionate, sweet, smarter-than-average man with biting wit, Todd often finds himself at the intersection of morally gray crossroads. Thus, his bad habits of lying and stealing have dire consequences that he can’t put off forever, even though he tries. Todd’s not a bad person. He’s not a good person yet, either, but he’ll get there.

The show will air on BBC America beginning this fall.



Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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