OpinionReviewsTelevision & Film

Dustin and Molly: BEING HUMAN Needs Definition


Reviews for Humans (Find us on Facebook here) continues on with episode 204 of the SyFy show.  They want to understand Aidan better.  Josh meets some new pals and Sally is all conflicted (what’s new?).  Check out the “Being Human” dolls in their soon to be famous scene of the week segment!!


[Official Site at Syfy]

Molly Montgomery

Molly Montgomery was introduced to genre film by her dad as a kid -- if it was "Forbidden Planet" or Tod Browning's "Freaks", she can't remember which was first. She began her love affair with Vampires at age 11, and at age 12 she stopped sunbathing. A background in theater, filmmaking and sitting on her tush makes her a fairly knowledgeable nerd.

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