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Episode 102 “Fast Times”

This was one of those episodes that goes by quickly without doing a whole lot.

We get a little background on Kiera Cameron — and don’t tell me that last name is coincidence in a time travel show — starting with her initiation into the Protectorate. She gets her tech, and she’s very excited about being a Protector.

The story on this one jumps between members of Libr8 looking for a way to power their metal orange to generate a time travel field to take them to the date they were originally supposed to hit. Kellogg doesn’t want to go, but everyone else is ready to make the jump. So they chop into a power grid, but it’s not enough juice. Of course, it puts them on the radar for the police, and Kiera has to dodge them while trying to find the Libr8 gang.

‘Cause Kiera’s cover doesn’t last very long. Didn’t think it would.

But it doesn’t last long, because she uses her nanotech suit to subdue Carlos. Then present day Alec helps her steal a Product Placement Car and she’s off to catch the gang. Only she’s too late at the first crime scene. And Alec gives her the tip on a physicist named Fraser, who’s working on a really cool technobabbly thing that can make a huge amount of energy that could power faster-than-light travel. Perfect for time travel Orange.

Kiera tracks them down at the university, where they’re holding Fraser hostage. Alec figures out that Kiera plans to go through the time jump with them. The rest of the episode is a lot of guns and things that go boom, because the device doesn’t actually work as planned, and the dilithium chamber blows up in spectacular fashion, sending everyone sprawled out on the floor. Then more guns. And more boom boom. And nobody’s making it back to the future.

Meantime, Carlos’ ex-girlfriend just happens to be the police department’s resident computer guru, and she tracks down the breadcrumbs left by Alec, pulling up information that Kiera is actually Special Agent Cameron, a fed placed high up in the nosebleed section of “need to know”. Convenient.

What we got from this episode, more than anything else, is that Kiera was really excited to be a Protector, and her husband wasn’t. How much of that plays into his involvement in whatever conspiracy led to the time jump.

And the other question: where was Tony Amendola’s character? Why wasn’t the entire group at the university to make the jump? Why is Lexa Doig just standing around? And does the taxi joke have some meaning because of Kiera’s history with Future Alec?

[Official Show Web Site on Syfy]     [Previous recap: “A Stitch in Time”]

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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