PodcastTelevision & Film

BOMB SHELTER Drill #3: Jay & Kevin Get Caught in a STARCRASH

Episode 3 ~ Starcrash (1978)

Kevin and Jay travel to a galaxy far, far away to discuss the blatantly obvious Star Wars ripoff, Starcrash.

Smugglers, light swords (not sabers), a robot with an accent, and a rescue of royalty. Delivered with sincerity, but not spectacularly so. And what’s with the robot Elle coming from Texas? There are so many elements of Star Wars in this film, but it’s all haphazardly mixed, like someone made a list of plot devices, put them in a blender, and threw the switch. But it’s not all bad, right? The Hoff is in it…

[audioplayer file=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/bomb-shelter-a-discussion-of-b-movies-scifi4me-radio-a93dc49b8/BOMB-SHELTER-Drill-3-Jay-Kevin-Get-Caught-in-a-STARCRASH-f09e” titles=”BOMB SHELTER Drill #3: Jay and Kevin Get Caught in a STARCRASH” artists=”SciFi4Me Radio” track=”f81004″ text=”ffffff”]

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