BEING HUMAN: Before You Say Goodbye… I Have
Here’s the tricky part… what do I say?
I just finished watching the series finale of Being Human. (airing Monday April 7 on SyFy) I so want to talk about it, but but as most of you won’t see it for at least 48 hours how do I do that without spoiling it? Answer: I don’t. Sigh.
The show’s cancellation came as a shock to many of us… at least those that weren’t paying attention to the fact that it was on its fourth season, which is the time a show on SyFy seems to get the boot. (Costs and such… sigh) The UK version did get six seasons, but when you figure that they also only had 8 episodes per season (and only 6 in season 6), I guess we can take comfort in the fact that our US trio ended with 6 more episodes under their belt and with the original trio (sorry Nora, quartet) intact. They also seem to have been able to end the show on their terms. (The UK version always seemed to me to be rushed and incomplete at the end.) There are still threads that I would have loved to have seen explored, but I think that is my own wishful thinking. In January, I asked Sam Witwer if there were storylines that were left hanging that he wished they would play out. I had mainly been talking about previous seasons, but they had already finished filming the series so I bet he was including that in his answer… he said no… to him and Meaghan Rath they feel the story was told as they wanted with no unfinished business.
So this season we’ve seen Josh come back from perma-wolf to lost wolf to coming to a zen place with his wolf. Nora went from putting her life on hold to take care of her husband to leaving him when he got out-of-control to bonding with him again as he protects her from those wishing her harm. Aidan did his best to stay out of vampy affairs but was pulled back in when his new son and old wife put him in the middle of an age-old battle (partly in his own mind) while he also dealt with his lost love Kat and best bud and new love Sally. Ah, Sally… she seems to get it this season. She still jumps in when maybe she should wait, but it serves her better this season as she finds her purpose, saves a few souls, and falls in love.
But Sally’s Dad has sold the house, and they all must leave. Yet psycho-demon ghost-house Ramona doesn’t want them to leave. She manipulates them all, trying to make them all stay… well, Sally is the one she really wants to keep around, but Ramona seems to be fine with the others being around if it means more blood will be spilled. So she locks them in, making exits into portals back into other rooms and bringing back the roommates’ personal “demons” to taunt them and make them kill each other to stay. Oh, the whims of a pre-pubescent demon-ghost!
And that’s where the ending starts… Sally sees the same moment from her alternate life begin to play out in front of her… Aidan blaming Josh for killing Sally and snapping his neck… or does he?
There Goes the Neighborhood. Again. Well, for the third time. Sally remembers how the “day they moved in was the best day… the start of something new, something good…” She ponders if they would all be friends if they met now or if they needed that path of all they have been through to become close. That’s what is really at the heart of this last episode… their friendship, their bond. What has it meant, what does it mean, what can it mean.
ARGH! Here’s where I want to insert so many spoilers! But this is a story that must be lived. So I won’t. (Unless you want me to… NO! I can’t!) I will say that Sally is pivotal to the episode whether she is in the scene or not, that Aidan’s eternal fear and long-held desire make him what we have always wanted him to be, and that Josh and Nora, the two who have always been so scared and unstable, show that they are the heart and backbone of this whole ‘experiment.’
I was very pleased with how they chose to end the series. This time I don’t have the same questions that I did when the UK version ended. I want more story, but I also feel satisfied in the story they did tell. And really other than Ramona, they did it as they should… with just the four friends facing life and the odds as they always have… with each other and for each other. Sally, Aidan, and Josh each had a chance to reminisce, bringing us into the next phase of the the final chapter. Each part has its own highs and lows and joy and emptiness. Things happen that shouldn’t, but they all should. We still have our laughs that this show has always brought us, but we have many tears. (tissue please!)
Does everything happen for a reason? Watch “There Goes the Neighborhood, part III,” the series finale of Being Human (Don’t forget your tissues!) on SyFy this Monday, April 7 at 9e/8c to find out. [FYI: parts I and II were the first two episodes of season one] Then check out SciFi4Chicks as Dorin and I talk about the final episodes and the end of Being Human. Sigh.
To see the cast goodbye and thanks to all the fans, CLICK HERE.
To Sam, Sammy, Meaghan, Kristen, and the rest of the cast and crew, I say thank you for a get ride. I have enjoyed the show immensely and will miss it, and you all, greatly. Sigh.
maybe if they didnt follow the UK verison so much it would have continued. How can the fourth roommate be the backbone of the group when she left half the time and then comes back since Josh couldnt have a story on his own without her? the trappings were there and Anne unfournatley never branched out and made BH USA vastly different from the UK version no wonder this show has suffered for it. So much potentail down the drain with the wolf aspect, using the same format for adam to kenny zombies Josh cheating on the fourth roommate time travel.