


Season 4, Episode 13 “Alone”


DUSTIN: So… Once Upon a Time is Back…

TIMOTHY: Yes, I know.

DUSTIN: Regina. She pulled her own damn heart out and buried that @#$% in the woods.

TIMOTHY: Yes, I know.

This show is crazy pants. She didn’t even wash it off before sticking it back in her chest. She has pine needles in her rib cage now.

You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?

They were attacked by flying monkeys, Tim.

Please don’t make me say it.

Emma had Hook arrested.

Aw, geez. ((ahem)) “Dustin, this is not a Once Upon a Time recap. Please focus.

Thank you, buddy. (FLYING MONKEYS!!)



[JPH: You can read our Once Upon a Time recaps by doing the clicky thing here. Now back to our show…]


  1. I really think two of the groups will meet up tonight, but it won’t be the groups we hope will meet up.

  2. Abe and Glenn will glower at each other while Eugene hides in the shadows and pretends to talk to people on a radio that does not work. (Spoilers)

  3. I don’t think we’ll see Rick and his gang tonight… unless we do. Then I totes think that.

  4. There will be a moment where we think one of our Main Team Zombie gang is going to die, but then it won’t happen.

  5. Someone will arrive at Terminus.

Mar 9
: Tank and The Mullet are gonna screw Glenn out of finding his lady this week.

I just love what Regina is wearing. She’s my favorite drag queen.



Quit pouting. Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, we’re talking about AMC’s The Walking Dead and NOT ANY OTHER SHOW, and Dustin and I are joined by Anne-Marie and Curtis again this week, who will be Tweeting as we go along. Say hi to the kids at home guys.

CURTIS: Greetings and Salutations!

ANNE-MARIE: Hello there.

As always, there are SPOILERS, and we often say and talk about adult themes and subjects, like the show itself, and this would be your warning. I thought I’d have to give the warning earlier, fully expecting Dustin to talk about how Emma clearly had sex with a Flying Monkey, but oddly he didn’t bring it up.

Wait. What?

Get on with it.

All my hate. My hate.

Your hate keeps me warm at night. And it tastes like candy.

Mar 9
gird your whatevers- we’re about to start!

Fine. FINE. So the medic is alone in the woods. He looks peaceful. But he has a goatee, so also EVIL.

Don’t think so, but for a minute there, the goatee made me think it was a completely new and different person.

Walkers go by and ignore him. You know what, I’m kind of glad they dropped the whole “Walkers can smell you” thing. These indiscriminate walkers with unpredictable senses are better. There is a whole montage of him surviving in the woods all by himself.

Yeah, I’m not sure I’m a fan of the new, “oh hey, forget the rules we’ve spent the last few seasons establishing” thing.

Mar 9
I’m loving this song.

Hi. I’m The Medic. And this is my story.

Mar 9
someone needs a nap.

I assume it’s pre-prison, because he’s in bad shape but a different kind of bad shape than we’re used to.

Isn’t he the one who’s an alcoholic? Is he drunk? Because that’s a bad survival strategy.

A car drives up to him. Hey! It’s Glenn and Daryl!!

They talk about how he’s terrible luck for any group he’s with. He says his name is “Bob”, shut up, The Medic, we all know your real name.

Ahhhh, so he’s a Jonah. That’s always a good person to have in a group. Mmmm hmmm.

Bob? Is that you?

Mar 9
oh, BOB! I can remember that.

They ask him the questions and he passes and they take him back to the prison.

Mar 9
sure, pick up the cursed medic. Sounds like an asset.

Mar 9
And that’s the story of Bob.

Back in the present, it’s foggy and Shovel, The Medic, and Maggie are trapped out in the open, there are walkers all around them out in the fogginess.

Mar 9
fog + walkers = great time.

Mar 9
New from Steven King: The Fog 2 – Zombie Fog.

Anybody else feeling a video game vibe here? The whole first-person shooter thing? 

If only they had followed the smoke from that burning still…

Surely you aren’t planning to bring geography into this, are you?

They fight walkers. The Medic is bitten… or not… or something. It’s complicated.

“It’s OK, it got me on the bandage!” Well, that’s all kinds of not reassuring. Is this the end of Bob? We did just get some backstory on a minor character, so it would be a good time to kill him off.

Mar 9
thought that curse was almost over there, Bob.

Meanwhile, Beth is allowing Daryl to teach her how to hunt and track. They are following a walker. They find it in a field. Beth edges up on it…but steps in a little trap that hurts her little footsies, but they are fine they put down the walker with ease.

For a second I though she stepped on a mine or something, and then I thought that the walker might be staked out as a trap… I think the sign-leaving unseen person or persons has got me thinking something more is going to happen.

Mar 9
looks like Daryl found a CVS with an intact dye aisle.

So Maggie and company are in a place where its super foggy and Daryl and Beth are not… hrm.

OK, first it’s geography, and now you’re asking for consistent time-relation? Have you watched this show?

Daryl and Beth come across a graveyard, which is honestly probably the safest place for them. Daryl gives Beth a piggyback and they talk about the nature of good and evil and survival.

Mar 9
piggyback rides for all!

They stop at a grave and pay their respects and hold hands. It’s sweet….. I hope. Don’t get all gross The Walking Dead.

Huh. I really want this bit to work, but it’s just not working for me. I don’t know… it seems like an odd moment to have the Hershel memorial scene, and not seeing the name on the gravestone… hmmm. Maybe I’m just cynical, but it’s odd to me.

Mar 9
sure, sadness, but shelter? Gonna be a long walk if you stop every time you get the sads.

Mar 9
Cemeteries are the safest place to hide. All the zombies walk away from them.

Maggie and company find the train tracks and the sign about Terminus. After much hemming and hawing, they decide to go to Terminus. I will say, Shovel is feeling a little forced in her derision. It’s like “I got to have some conflict!!”

Daryl and Beth arrive at the cemetery caretaker’s house. It’s totally cute in there. Beth and Tim both think the place is too clean.

Yeah, this is a cared-for place, with no sign of anything ever having happened, zombie-wise. So where is the person who lives here, and how are they going to feel about Daryl and Beth stopping by? And shouldn’t they be locking the door if they leave?

There is still a body in the casket, and bodies down stairs. It looks like Someone has been trying to give the walkers funerals. Beth things it’s beautiful , but Daryl looks like he thinks it’s pretty creepy. I’m with you, Daryl.

Interesting, and a little creepy, and very much making me wonder about who isn’t home right now.

Mar 9
nope. Still don’t want to be embalmed.

Mar 9
Daryl only sees dead squirrels as beautiful.

Back with Maggie’s group, Shovel and The Medic are talking about how they should stop looking for the others. The Medic tells Shovel that she doesn’t know why she wants to stop. Shovel is being a total Debbie Downer. Shovel just wants to find a place to survive.

Mar 9
so this whole zombie apocalypse wasn’t the bigger warning, Sasha?

I’m with you… this feels kind of like a manufactured conflict, and something really out of character for Sasha. Surely she wants to try and find Tyrese?

Beth and Daryl find some food. Whoever lives here is gonna be PISSED!

Pay no attention to the casket in the background. Any suggestion of foreshadowing is purely in your own mind.

They set up camp and Beth sings a song and plays the piano while Daryl climbs into a coffin. I am having a stroke. This is the second episode that is giving me the “Daryl is going to die” tingles. I think maybe the show wants to see if the fans will riot.

I’m starting to think they’re trolling us. It’s a little unsubtle.

Mar 9
Coffins are NOT comfortable.

Timothy disagrees… surprisingly good back support.

Shovel wakes up and The Medic is already up reading a note from Maggie. She left them behind to look for Glenn. The Medic wants to go look for her, Shovel doesn’t, but after a minute, The Medic convinces her.

Sasha? You do know that rapidly reaching the point where no matter how much Bob is crushing on you, he’s going to leave you behind, because you seem to lack that critical loyalty thing, right?

Out on the railroad tracks, Maggie is trucking along. She finds another ‘Terminus’ sign. Then she kills the @#$% out of a walker.

Aaaaaaand starts ripping its guts out. Ooookay…

Mar 9
I guess we’ll find out what that’s about. Mar 9
eh, not sure I want to!

Shovel and The Medic are following the tracks. You know, I hate these two. I would rather be with quite possibly anyone else. They are so boring.

I think it’s that problem we’ve seen before, where we’re asked to care about people who the show hasn’t really spent enough time on before to make us connect to them. So when we have this sort of scene, it loses the impact. Also, the edit tonight is just choppy to me, and that’s costing me some engagement with these two, also. That and Sasha’s really weird attitude.

They come the to the place where Maggie killed the walker. Oh. Look. She wrote a note to Glenn in walker blood. Gee.

Mar 9
yep. Didn’t want to know.

In fairness, they did leave home without writing utensils. Clearly a critical oversight, and Maggie should be commended for her ingenuity.

Alrighty then. Back in the honeymoon suite, Daryl and Beth are interrupted from their reverie by a cute dog, but it runs away.

Eww. Honeymoon suite. Not what I want to think about with these two. Don’t think that’s just some random dog. Something’s up here.

In the night times, Shovel and The Medic are in kind of a warehouse thing listening to the music of the walkers. They talk about bull@#$%. Shovel is boring. The Medic is boring. This is boring.

Mar 9
good point, Bob.


See above. Hard to engage with people we haven’t spent any real time with. Juuuust that simple.

Beth decides to leave a thank you note for the people whose food they stole. Daryl asks why they don’t just stay. Maybe when the people come back, they will be good and that can be their new group. Beth asks what made Daryl believe in good people again.

Beth and Daryl look at each other.


See, I didn’t read it as him meaning her. I think it’s Hershel he’s talking about. Or maybe I want it to be Hershel and not some thing with Beth. And anyway, it doesn’t make sense for this scene to be here anyway! Need I remind people about Daryl’s whatever-it-is relationship with Carol? Because he already had that belief seasons ago.

Then the walkers happen and they have to run. Daryl leads the walkers to the basement while Beth makes her escape.

Ok, now all the walkers in the world attack the pristine house/mortuary? And they’re all outside the one door?

He immediately regrets this decision.

Well, running to someplace that only has the one way in and out isn’t the best tactical move, so there’s that, yes.

“Ford!” he said, “there’s an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they’ve worked out.”

But he works it out and kills or traps all the walkers. He runs out to the street to find Beth and arrives just in time to see Beth’s stuff in the street and a car peeling away. So… I don’t know…

And this is why everyone not taking a car when leaving the prison is a bad idea.

Mar 9
WTF started this? They train the dog?

Mar 9
Don’t like who’s in your house? Get some zombies to evict them. Apparently.

Mar 9
so, it was a redneck trap? Pickled pigs feet. Should have known.

It really does feel like a trap, but a really weird one.

Shovel and The Medic come across another Maggie sign.

Mar 9
who needs paint when you have the juices of the dead?

Mar 9
Eewww! Thanks, no.

Daryl is running down the road but then he slows… he comes across the trail tracks. He’s at the train tracks!!

He falls and cries.

Just going to rest here for a minute. All by myself. Completely alone. No one around for miles.

Mar 9
The devil shows up and teaches Darryl to play kick ass blues.

Mar 9
looks Daryl may have sweated out all his mousse. No more volume at the crown.

They come to a fork in the train tracks. Shovel wants to stop at a nice brick building, The Medic tells her they are not stopping. Shovel tries to convince him to … zzzzzzzz…..


Huh? What did I miss?

Heh. Just a semi-romantic kiss goodbye, because the Jonah is a better human being than the woman who just wants to give up on her brother and everyone else. So not much.

The Medic heads out after Maggie by himself. Shovel stays. She goes to the warehouse and has a look. Inside she finds a lovely abandoned floor. She cries. It’s stupid. I’m bored.

Mar 9
hope Sasha knows enough to put up a tin can rope across those stairs. Genius.

Shovel looks out the window and sees Maggie lying in between a couple of walkers! Shovel leans on the widow, which immediately falls and smashes and draws the attention of all the walkers in the area. Shovel runs out to save Maggie, but they are surrounded by walkers now… oops.

Mar 9
that window was waiting YEARS to fulfill its destiny.

So, lying in between the two dead walkers is obviously meant to somehow fool the other walkers into ignoring her, which again, implies the whole zombies-can-smell-the-living thing which, I have to say again, is only applying when the story is requiring it this episode and the last couple and this is really bothering me.

Shovel beats down some walkers with her big stick and Maggie helps. Maggie has equipped a street sign. Her damage is now +10.

Mar 9
Maggie’s still alive. It must be “a sign”

And I really like the sign-axe. That’s pretty nifty, that is.

Turns out, Maggie heard all the @#$% Shovel had been talking at the camp and decided to leave them behind so they could try and make their own way. They are such girls, it’s so stupid. BUT after a while, Maggie changed her mind and decided to wait for them because she knew they would come find her. Now… they have to catch up to The Medic.

Shovel needs to stop being so Shovel all the time. It’s annoying.

Yeah, Maggie? I don’t think putting your faith in Sasha was really a great plan. Sasha is kinda awful right now.

Meanwhile, some dudes find Daryl. HEY!! It’s those @#$%! From the house! I knew that guy would be back!!

Mar 9
Love me some Boonie. Especially when he’s a bad boy.

The Head Dick is all: “Hey, buddy, let’s talk bows. Let’s be friends. My name’s Joe. I’m a monster.”

Mar 9
Whoops! Sorry Jeff Kober. I of course meant “Dodger”, not “Boonie”. It has been a few decades.

I like him already.

All the dicks seem to accept Daryl… I don’t know what I feel. I DON’T KNOW!!

Yeah, this is going to end well. So which one of these guys is the moron who choked his buddy out at the house?

The girls get back to The Medic. It’s a happy reunion.

A Hallmark Moment. And we all yawn.

And yet strangely, not emotionally satisfying, because it all feels so manufactured.

In another part of the world, Glenn finds a Terminus sign.

Terminus? Jeez, that sounds ominous. Better stay away from there.

I presume the others are just out of the shot, and I’m getting tired of this everyone-is-just-a-minute-behind-everyone-else thing. Really, really tired of it.

Mar 9
Well. This was kind of a yawner.

It did feel like we’re burning screen time here, yeah. And after how good the season has been, this episode feels like a major letdown to me. I want to like Bob, and care about Sasha, but the conflict feels forced and the lack of development earlier made it flat, and did any of us really think it would last? I did keep expecting Bob to turn into a zombie though… that whole bite on the bandage thing.

The Beth and Daryl thing was interesting, especially for the mystery of the mortuary/funeral home, but we didn’t get any answers about it and the feeling it was a trap lingers, but without those answers… I presume the car and Beth’s kidnapping ties into it, but we’ll have to wait, obviously. Uneven this week.

Boring this week.

So you said. Now about those predictions of yours.

Curtis made a prediction too. I don’t see you analyzing his predictions.

You making predictions and my analyzing them is a thing we do. We’ve been doing it for ages. Back when you were Dusto the Magnificent.

I’m still Dusto the Magnificent. One never stops being Magnificent.

Uh huh. In fairness, I shall consider Curtis’ prediction. Curtis?

“Tank and The Mullet are gonna screw Glenn out of finding his lady this week.”

I’m afraid that didn’t happen. No Tank and The Mullet at all.

Yeah, got that one wrong. But I still think it’s going to happen.

Most likely. They seem like the two to do it.

That’s it? No mocking?

I save my mockery for you. Wouldn’t want to dilute it.

I’m ever so grateful.

I knew you would be. Number 1! No groups meeting, and one split up. So that would be a noooooo.

Yeah yeah. Whatever.

Number two! No Abe, no Glenn until the end, and no Eugene. Spoilers unneeded.

You’re boring me. I am a-bored now by you.

Quit pouting. We didn’t see Rick and Co. tonight, so that’s sort of a right one, but you also hedged your bets there pretty blatantly, so…

Half a point?

Anne-Marie has spoken. So shall it be. Number 4! This one you get. The whole Daryl death-watch thing counts, and I thought Bob was a goner with the bite thing, even if he isn’t really main Team Zombie. Still, that’s a yes.

What? Did you say something?

Number 5! Aaaaaand no. No one made it to Terminus, and based on what Sasha said, that it’s really far away, and that means we’re looking at dragging this whole everyone-is-alone thing into the ground. I wish you were right. But you’re not.

Hey, remember when you had a lesson of the episode you used to give at the end of these things? Whatever happened to that?

I have no idea what you’re talking about. We’ll see you next week folks!


[Show web site at AMC]     [Previous recap: “Still”]


Timothy Harvey

Timothy Harvey is a Kansas City based writer, director, actor and editor, with something of a passion for film noir movies. He was the art director for the horror films American Maniacs, Blood of Me, and the pilot for the science fiction series Paradox City. His own short films include the Noir Trilogy, 9 1/2 Years, The Statement of Randolph Carter - adapted for the screen by Jason Hunt - and the music video for IAMEVE’s Temptress. He’s a former President and board member for the Independent Filmmakers Coalition of Kansas City, and has served on the board of Film Society KC.

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