
2022 Heinlein Society Scholarship Winners Announced

The Heinlein Society, founded to promote the legacy of author Robert A. Heinlein, has announced the recipients of their 2022 scholarship program. These scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students who are currently or about to be attending accredited four-year colleges and universities to study engineering, math, or biological or physical sciences. Applicants submit a 500-1,000 word essay on one of several available topics to be considered for the award.

This year, the program received a record 567 applications from twenty-nine countries around the world. Winners were chosen from among ten finalists.

The Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Sera McCarty, who will attend the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor as a freshman with a major in Biomedical Engineering. Motivated by experience with her own gymnastic injuries, she’s interested in a career helping others overcome physical limitations.

The inaugural Robert A. Heinlein Scholarship goes to Jillian Soulvie, who will be a freshman Biology major at the University of Arizona this fall. She’s always wanted to work in a medical field, and recently started focusing on a concentration in surgery, particularly pediatrics and trauma.

The Dr. Yoji Kondo Scholarship is awarded to Oliver Tan, who already has a bit of notoriety for discovering the shortest known supersequence. In the Fall, Tan will be a freshman Mathematics major with a special interest in computational complexity, number theory, and combinatorics.

The Dr. Jerry Pournelle Scholarship is awarded to Anne Mei Moulene, who will be a senior majoring in Chemistry at Bard College this year. She plans to continue her education with a post-graduate degree and then will pursue work in a research lab verifying drug safety and efficacy.

Each scholarship is $4,000 and is part of the Heinlein Society’s overall support of the concept of “paying it forward” with scholarships, blood drives, and additional efforts to promote science fiction and education.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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