
2021 Helicon Award Winners Announced

The Helicon Society has announced the winners for the 2021 Helicon Awards, honoring the best in science fiction, fantasy, and horror for each calendar year. The award is named for the mountain  that was home to the mythical Nine Muses.

A selection committee meets a number of times prior to the announcement to select nominees and final winners for each category. This is the third year the awards have been given.


Best Sci-Fi – To Sleep In A Sea of Stars, Christopher Paolini

Best Fantasy – The Unbearable Heaviness of Remembering, L. Jagi Lamplighter

Best Military SF/F – Space Force: Building The Legacy Edited by Doug Irvin

Best Alt History – The Oppenheimer Alternative, Robert J. Sawyer

Best Media Tie-In – Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy, Timothy Zahn

Best Horror – Coven, Declan Finn

Best YA – Marymae and the Nightmare Man, A.M. Freeman

Best Anthology (Book or story) – The Three Billion Year Love (Planetary Anthology Series: Mars), James Pyles

Best SF/F Movie – Outpost (DUST)

Best SF/F TV Series –  The Mandalorian (Disney +)

Best SF/F Comic Book or Graphic Novel –  BIGFOOT BILL 2: Finger of Poseidon, Doug TenNapel

Best SF/F Game  – Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt)

Melvil Dewey Innovation Award – Russell Newquist

Laura Ingalls Wilder Best New Author Award – Lora Beth Johnson

John W. Campbell Diversity in SF/F Award – J.K. Rowling

Frank Herbert Lifetime Achievement Award – David Weber


The Helicon Society is a collective of genre authors and creators who subscribe to the Superversive approach to SF/F media. The “Superversive” approach to fiction has been described as a polar opposite of the subversive approach to storytelling, in which authors use a lot of deconstruction for their narratives. Superversive stories, by contrast, show heroes who are heroic and things like family and love being good and real.

The Society is a non-professional organization, with no officers or fees involved. Membership is by invitation only.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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