Television & Film

WEEK IN REVIEW Returns February 6th


After a long hiatus, Week in Review will return Saturday, February 6th.

The show is a weekly wrap-up of headlines from science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Video games, space technology, science news, comic books — it’s all here in one place.

Currently, the plan is to record a new episode every Saturday morning, with a release Saturday evening. As we’re tinkering and experimenting, we welcome your feedback on the new format. Just send us an e-mail and let us know what you like and what we can improve. Specifically, we’re hoping to get your thoughts on:

  • Show length: Too long? Too short? Just right?
  • Navigation: Is the show easy to scrub through to find what interests you?
  • Content: Are we covering the right topics? Is there anything we’ve missed?
  • Host: Do we need to replace our host yet? (and no, it’s not a trick question…)
  • Release schedule: When’s the best time for us to drop a new episode every week:

Your feedback will help us deliver a better show, one tailored to fit the “4Me” aspect of our name.

This follows the recent re-launch of Salacious Crumbs, our regular wrap-up of Star Wars news. It’s part of our “Go Big or Go Home” 2016, where we plan to deliver more content for you to enjoy and share.

Let us know how we’re doing. And thank you for your continued support!


Week in Review will be available Saturdays on SciFi4Me TV.


SciFi4Me Staff

Posts involving multiple members of the staff of SciFi4Me.

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