Comic Books & Graphic NovelsTelevision & Film

TRAILER PARK: 4.22.11 [updated]

This week: a special trailer from the folks at MARVEL: “Little Thor” is a direct rip-off of the Volkswagen commercial featuring Little Darth Vader.

Is this a hint of things to come?


UPDATE: And this bit from the BBC for the return of the Doctor this weekend!









And for more STAKE LAND vignettes, click here.

And this from MARVEL:


With the Obligatory Accompanying Text:

Get an all-new look at the critically acclaimed Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers animated mini-series! The animators from Magnetic Dreams take you behind the scenes and show fans how this epic tale came to life. Adapted from the acclaimed story by superstar creators Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic, Loki finally has a chance to tell tale of his brother’s crimes…and inflict the punishment he has craved for eons. It’s the series that has everyone talking so don’t miss how this Marvel classic  came together  from the studio that brought it to life. Don’t forget to download the fourth and final episode of Marvel Knights Animation’s Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers, a best seller on iTunes (Animation, Animation Season Pass and Television categories), Xbox LIVE, and PlayStation®Network – on sale today!

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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