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THOR: RAGNAROK Adds Cate Blanchett, Karl Urban, Jeff Goldblum, & Tessa Thompson


Marvel Studios announced additional cast members for Thor: Ragnarok, and things are looking decidedly stellar for this project directed by Taika Waititi.


Two-time Oscar® winner Cate Blanchett will play new villain Hela, the ruler over the dead of Asgard. Inspired by the Norse goddess Hel, namesake for the underworld resting place for the souls of non-heroes. Those that have died heroic deaths have earned a place in Valhalla.

Hela has frequently been Thor’s opponent, and a formidable one is she. Ambitious (she’s tried to take over Valhalla), resistant to magic, able to control the dead, an accomplished swordswoman… over the years, she’s planned and schemed numerous times. Speculation is that this story may take its cue from a plan to corrupt the Valkyries, those that ferry the heroic dead to Valhalla.

Playing one of those Valkyries is Tessa Thompson, who worked with director Waititi on Creed. She’ll play Brunhilde, also known as Valkyrie, the leader of the Valkyrior, the contingent who ferries the souls of the dead to Valhalla. She’s also been a one-time love interest for Thor, and she’s teamed up with various hero groups in the Marvel Universe.

It’s interesting to note that in the source material, Hela is the daughter of Loki from hundreds of years past. Whether that holds true in the film is yet to be seen. Nor is it necessarily the same Loki played by Tom Hiddleston, who hinted that this could be his final time to play the character during an interview with The Daily Beast.

The third installment in Thor’s trilogy will also include Mark Ruffalo reprising his role as Bruce Banner, Idris Elba returning as Heimdall, and Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin.

Headshot_KarlUrban Headshot_JeffGoldblum

And in the midst of lobbying for Dredd to be revived by Netflix, Karl Urban negotiated a deal to join the party, too, playing Skurge the Executioner. An Asgardian, likely to not be a good guy, carries as his weapon of choice a double-bladed magical battle axe. A regular opponent of Thor’s, Skurge is normally seen with the Enchntress.

Who hasn’t been cast yet. If she’s in the movie at all.

Besides the casting of Blanchett, the other major addition to the cast is Jeff Goldblum, who will be playing Grandmaster, the eccentric master of games. He can control energy left over from the Big Bang, and can handle technology. It’s a speculation at Collider that Grandmaster’s role in the movie will demonstrate Grandmaster of the overall Marvel Universe, since he’s not been a main … whatever … and instead has connections to the overall Marvel Cinematic Universe.

“The continuation of the epic Thor franchise will be powerful and unique, and with the additions of Cate, Jeff, Tessa, Karl, and Mark to the cast we have the makings of his most dangerous and heroic adventure yet,” said Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige. “The sheer, raw talent each of these actors brings to the screen can’t be quantified. Having any one of them join the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be an honor, and having all of them is incredible.”

Thor: Ragnarok will be in theaters November 3, 2017.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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