
SFWA Announces Election Results

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America announced the results of recent Board elections. The Elections Committee and the Executive Director certified the results, in which several board positions were filled through 2021 and 2022. Several members of the SFWA stepped up and volunteered to run for the open positions.

The new Vice President is Tobias S. Buckell and the new Chief Financial Officer is Nathan Lowell. Director-at-Large positions were selected among several names. Winners are marked in red.

Director-at-Large thru 2021:

James Beamon
Lou Antonelli
Tobias S. Buckell
Traci Castleberry
N.K. Jemisin
Cat Rambo
Monica Valentinelli

Director-at-Large thru 2022: 2 Open Positions (winners and runners-up listed alphabetically)

Phoebe Barton
Monica Valentinelli
Lou Antonelli
Lou J. Berger
Jonathan P. Brazee
Tobias S. Buckell
Brenda Clough
Arinn Dembo
John Forrest
Esther Friesner
Charles E. Gannon
Clayton E. Kroh
Craig Martelle
Cat Rambo
John Scalzi
Steven H Silver
Chuck Tingle
Jeremiah Tolbert
William Alan Webb
Walter Jon Williams
Christie Yant


In addition to board selections, the SFWA also decided two questions.

Question: Should SFWA allow writing of graphic novels and comics in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and related genres to be used as qualification for membership?

Yes      95.18%
No       4.82%

Question: As noted in the January 31st email to members, “active members” has a specific meaning, thus leading to our need to change our membership class name for Active members. Which name would you prefer to be called?

Full Member      47.19%
General Member   11.99%
Regular Member   6.89%
Voting Member     33.93%

According to the SFWA web site, the board will be discussing how best to implement the inclusion of graphic novels as a qualifier for membership. An announcement on the new rules will be forthcoming, perhaps during the 55th Annual Nebula Conference, which will be online May 29 – 31. As part of the conference, the SFWA Nebula Awards will stream live at 8pm Eastern May 30th.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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