SciFi4Chicks loves SLEEPY HOLLOW. Now here’s everything that’s wrong.
SciFi4Chicks is back in Sleepy Hollow. You probably already know both Heather and Alex are back from their unintended hiatus, especially if you listen to the Gotham podcasts, so get ready for another Sleepy Hollow podcast. It’s so packed, we actually had to take a break!
So much has happened since our last podcast, unfortunately not all good things. The writers got lazy (making Alex rant, like you’ve never heard before), Hottie McHotStud got more interesting, Jenny and Irving went MIA, and for the first time in ages, SciFi4Chicks didn’t turn into the “Sleepy Hollow Adoration Club”.
But don’t worry, we only criticize, because we care!
The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.
Tune in for another installment of SciFi4Chicks, as we talk the Mystical Pregnancy trope, why Abraham should get his groove back, where in the world Jenny and Irving may be, and the signs that Sleepy Hollow is actually battling the sophomore slope all TV shows seem to be suffering.
Let us know if you agree with our opinions in the comments below or on social media of your choice!
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