Prepare Yourself for The Guild Season 6!
In case you missed it (and the quite obvious title of this particular article), The Guild is preparing for a Season 6! This international hit of a web-series made its announcement out at San Diego Comic-Con (and again on star/writer/producer Felicia Day’s Vlog The Flog) and Season 6 episodes will be starting this fall.
Granted, the wonderful Miss Day still hasn’t written the script, but we here at SciFi4Me have faith in her (and she’s got at least a little less pressure than George R.R. Martin and his race to keep up with Game of Thrones on HBO). And! In a change-up from recent seasons, the newest line of episodes will be premiering on the Geek and Sundry YouTube Channel as opposed to first running on the Zune Marketplace through Microsoft before being placed for viewing on the web.
So! You must prepare yourself for the epic awesomeness to come (and also, it’s still a while before Fall actually hits, so there’s a bunch of time to kill). If you’re like me, the second there’s a date, you’ll be counting down anxiously and time LOVES to go slow when you’re counting down. ‘How might I prepare myself for the epic awesomeness to come, AJ?’ you might ask. Well, with that I shall answer…
The only way to prepare yourself for epic awesomeness, dear reader…with more epic awesomeness.
First and foremost! If you’ve not yet checked out The Guild you’re a total slacker and have some massive catching up to do. And, if you have, hello! It’s time for rerun marathon heaven! If you’ve got an XBOX the previous seasons are free on the Zune Marketplace so you can curl up in your favorite chair away from the computer and enjoy from the comfort of your living room. If you’re just feeling more like sitting at the computer desk (or, as in my case, that happens to be one of the most comfortable spots in the house), you can check out Seasons One through Five at or Season Five with all of the bonus material at Here’s a little something to get you started….
Of course, a little bonus on The Guild‘s YouTube channel is the entire first season, annotated with fun trivia for the commentary nerd! Check it out!
So, now, you’ve seen all of the seasons for the 800th time…now what? Well, in case you didn’t know, Felicia Day has been teaming up with various writers and artists through Dark Horse to not only write a three-issue prequel to the webseries, but also one-shots of various characters (and also a Free Comic Book Day flipbook with Buffy the Vampire Slayer). There’s one-shots for Vork, Tink, Clara, Bladezz, Zaboo, and Fawkes available now at your local comic book shop or online through Dark Horse’s website. My favorite so far? Definitely the Fawkes one-shot (and, no, not just because I have a lifelong crush on Wil Wheaton). There’s so much cursory backstory packed into just one little comic! (And Paul Duffield’s cover is hilarious.) And, of course, our own Erik A. Williams and Maylin Tu got the chance to talk with the cast (as well as Andrew Chambliss) at Golden Apple Comics on Free Comic Book Day!
Now you’ve read the comics cover to cover enough times to make you worry about the condition and have since bagged and hidden them from view. What now? Back to YouTube, my dear friends! In case you hadn’t noticed, Miss Day has become a powerhouse with her Geek and Sundry channel, launching new shows nearly every week day. There’s enough back episodes of TableTop, The Flog, Sword & Laser, Dark Horse Motion Comics, and Written by a Kid to last you at least a little while. And, potentially before the release of S6, Learning Town is still on the backburner. And, to top it off, you’ve got this lovely article, written by Mr. Hager, about just what Geek and Sundry is managing to do.
Alright, so you’ve finished aaaaallll of that. How about checking out some awesome convention panels featuring the lovely cast? We got to check Amy Okuda and Robin Thorsen here in Kansas City back in March and they held quite the panel.
Oh! And none other than yours truly made a goofball of myself interviewing the pair (in my first on-camera interview in something like eight years).
So, after all of that it’s still not fall yet? Well, I don’t know what to tell you…or myself for that matter. Maybe we can emulate Miss Day and pick up a new hobby or two? I mean, after all, I’ve always wanted to learn how to actually make sushi… (I think I need to call Mr. Smith). Or, if nothing else, there’s plenty of video games to play and D&D 5.0 is still in its playtest phase.
Of course, if you’ haven’t already, check out Geek and Sundry for all of updates on The Guild and be sure to subscribe to their YouTube Channel. While you’re at it, check out the SciFi4Me YouTube Channel and be sure to keep us in your bookmarks for all of the latest news, reviews, interviews, and more!
Until next time, geek on! (And, of course, in this case, this means I’ll see you all on Friday for The Geekly with a Twist.)
P.S. Can’t forget this:
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Awesome post. I’m also so pysched about Season 6 of The Guild ! I saw the whole series in one night (yup, I’ll sleep when I’m dead, right? XD )
And now, to some “clever observations” about your post:
“The only way to prepare yourself for epic awesomeness, dear reader…with more epic awesomeness.”
Clever observation: EPIC AWESOMENESS comment stolen ! I’ll forever use this from now on. Thanks! lol
“Miss Day has become a powerhouse with her Geek and Sundry channel (…)”
Clever observation: Ok, that’s official: from now on, I’ll only mention her as Felicia “Powerhouse” Day. I can already see an upcoming Flog episode where she is a WWE fighter…
I’ll give you a hint to make it RIDICULOUSLY epic… try reading it in your mind with the stoic awesomeness of Brain (yup, from Pinky and the Brain). You’ll thank me for that later. 🙂
And I can only imagine the future exploits of Felicia “Powerhouse” Day, especially after the F-Bomb showed us her skills at yo-yoing. I think we should make it stick.
Felicia Day…now Felicia POWERHOUSE Day. Woot!
Ha, I salute you for your Pinky and the Brain reference !
And OMG, Felicia “Powerhouse” “F-Bomb” Day… what will be the next nickname of hers?!
For sure it won’t be YO-YO master… lol