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New LEGO BATMAN Trailer Drops


(feature image: Warner Bros)

Why so serious?

A surprise teaser for the LEGO Batman Movie dropped Thursday, with the caped crusader (voiced by Will Arnett) reviving his LEGO Movie role as a growly-voiced egomaniac in what promises to be an amusing lampoon on Batman in general and his recent cinematic incarnations in particular.

Batman, a hero whose super powers basically consist of being rich and dressing like a rodent, has pretty much become the vanguard of the scowl-n’-growl school of superheroing in recent years. In a genre which has been taking itself more and more seriously with every franchise, it is refreshing to see a movie which seems prepared to laugh at itself (and, unlike Deadpool, is suitable to bring the kids along to).


Not a lot of information right now, but we do know that Batman will be joined by Robin (Michael Cera) and Batgirl (Rosario Dawson) against the Joker (Zach Galifianakis). Gotham City’s mayor will be voiced by Mariah Carey.

LEGO Batman has a projected release date of February 10.


(Kelly Luck thinks it’s not a proper Joker without a dashing Cesar Romero mustache. Her other SciFi4Me work can be read here.)




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