BooksConventions & Events

L. Ron Hubbard Achievement Awards in April


Save the date: on April 10, 6:30 pm PST, the 32nd Annual L. Ron Hubbard Achievement Awards will be presented. These awards celebrate this year’s winners of the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contests.

photo by Angie Fiedler Sutton, from the 2015 Writers of the Future Awards
photo by Angie Fiedler Sutton, from the 2015 Writers of the Future Awards

Geared towards helping new and/or amateur writers and illustrators in the science fiction genre. Entrants have strict guideline as to how much work has been published. For writers, they can’t have published a novel, more than one novelette, or more than three short stories. For illustrators, they can’t have published more than three black and white illustrations or more than one process-color painting.

Each quarter winners are picked in each category (with their own financial prizes attached), and then all the winners of each quarter are eligible for a separate annual prize, the Gold Award, which has its own monetary prize attached. The winning stories are also published in the yearly anthology L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, with the winning illustrators assigned a story to do an accompanying illustration.

The winners are also invited to attend an annual week-long workshop, as well as the award ceremony mentioned above. Held in Los Angeles, the Writers of the Future website also livestreams the event. The awards ceremony inevitably includes speakers from the industry, with last year’s including Larry Niven, Kevin J. Anderson, Orson Scott Card, and William Pomerantz. (You can see last year’s ceremony both on the Writers of the Future website as well as their YouTube channel.)

We’ll be attending this year’s event, so stay tuned to our social media networks for more.

You can see more of Angie’s work (and her social media connections) over at her website.


Angie Fiedler Sutton

Angie Fiedler Sutton is a writer, photographer, and all-round fangirl geek. She currently lives in Los Angeles, and primarily covers geek culture, entertainment, and the performing arts. She's been published in Den of Geek, Stage Directions, LA Weekly, The Mary Sue, and others. You can see more of her work (and her social media connections) over at her website

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