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Jewel Staite Geeks Out at Orlando Con!

Cute vs. Cunning: Jewel Staite meets Darth Vader

Not to be outdone by the hordes dressed in their finest Sci Fi gear at the recent AWAY MISSION: ORLANDO convention, Jewel Staite of FIREFLY and STARGATE: ATLANTIS fame grabbed a light saber and jumped into the fray with delighted fans. The variety of STAR WARS costumed characters with whom Staite briefly posed alongside (as well as myself, who happened to be on hand to witness and record the fun) were obviously thrilled when the perky actress took a few moments away from signing publicity stills to show off her adorably geeky side, and then choose to tweet about it.

Besides challenging Darth Vader and his legions to mortal combat, Staite was also at the Orlando convention to talk to fans about her current projects and pose for traditional photo ops, plus work in a little promotion for her blog,, which she describes as “an indulgent blog about indulgences”. Taking a page from her writer and producer pal Martin Gero’s notebook, Staite’s amusing blog relates her journey as a foodie and the many restaurant adventures she encounters while traveling.

During her presentation onstage, Staite offered the usual amusing anecdotes about her past work and her co-stars on FIREFLY and SGA, and also talked about the as-yet-unnamed 6-episode Canadian television series on which she had just wrapped work. Unnamed, she explained to me later, because the originally entitled “HIGHLAND GARDENS” centers around an eponymous Hollywood hotel where several Canadian actors reside during TV pilot season. Unfortunately for the producers of this series, Highland Gardens is also the name of a genuine hotel now existing in Hollywood, so obviously for legal reasons the same name cannot be used, and most especially as the characters often make fun of their fictional residence and complain about the living conditions in the show.

I also had the chance to ask Staite about her most recent listing on IMDB, entitled P5Ych. She described this movie as a supernatural thriller involving five survivors of separate harrowing experiences who are all experiencing scary dreams and being treated for PTSD. She said that simply reading the movie script had scared her and that she had been excited to do the actual film, which is a project created by some friends of hers and just now finishing production. The website for P5Ych appears to be under construction, but does offer just a few more clues about the film.

[Follow Jewel Staite on Twitter]

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