Irish actor Jason O’Mara may have died as a superhero in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s alternate reality of the Mainframe, but now can he survive as a hunted outcast in the Neutral Zone of Amazon Prime’s The Man in the High Castle? Fans will find out this upcoming season.
Based on the book of the same name by science fiction author Philip K. Dick, the series takes place in 1962….after the Axis powers won World War II. America is now under the rule of the Nazi’s on the east coast and the Japanese on the west coast. In the middle lies the Neutral Zone that has become the melting pot of those avoiding the new super powers and those trying to destroy them.
Here is where we meet O’Mara’s character, Wyatt Price, an Irish emigrant fleeing from Nazi persecution. His family fled from Europe to New York only to find they needed to keep heading west to avoid the Nazi invasion. Price has learned to survive as a hustler, trading various black market goods and services. But he still believes in the American way and that she is worth fighting for.
Other previous credits for O’Mara include Terra Nova, Vegas, and Complications. He has also voiced Bruce Wayne and Batman in multiple animated films.
Look for season three later this year.
Read my reviews of Season One and Season Two.