Marvel has released the first "official" photo from the set of IRON MAN 3.
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IRON MAN 3 Roundup 6.5.12

Iron Man 3 has officially begun production. And there are already leaked photos and spoilerish hints from across the Interwebz, and we’ve assembled the latest here in one place.

Marvel has released the first “official” photo from the set of IRON MAN 3.

Marvel’s press release confirms that production has begun in Wilmington, North Carolina, with Robert Downey, Jr. returning in a flick directed by Shane Black. Although Jon Favreau isn’t returning to direct, he will reprise his role as Happy Hogan. Also confirmed are Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle.

Along with the main cast, Iron Man 3 will also feature Ben Kingsley (rumored to be the Mandarin) and James Badge Dale (Eric Savin).

Leaked photos have surfaced, showing James Badge Dale in the costume known as Iron Patriot. Newsarama picked them up from the celebrity gossip site “What Would Tyler Durden Do?” – and The Inquisitr site speculates about the meaning behind the costume’s inclusion in the new movie. Since Iron Patriot is an alter-ego of Norman Osborn, who’s among the Spider-Man characters wrapped up by Sony, could this mean a deal has been struck between Marvel Studios and Sony that would allow some cross-over?

Dale, of course, is playing Eric Savin, who is usually associated with the character Coldblood. So, either Marvel is playing fast and loose with origins of villains, or there’s going to be some wild explanation that involves these characters and how they’re mashed up in the movie.

Latino Review has an “exclusive” report on how much IM3 is going to cost, and in the wake of the blockbuster success of The Avengers, word is that Marvel bumped the budget up from $140 million to $200 million.

The first two Iron Man movies will be part of the big “Phase One” box set coming to Blu-Ray. The set includes the Marathon movies – Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Avengers. You can order it through our Amazon store here.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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