A Love Sick GRIMM


2:20 “Kiss of the Muse”

[photos: Scott Green/NBC Website]

The thing I’m struck by the most about this week’s show, was the promo for next week. I laughed so hard I nearly hurt myself. If you saw it, I think you know what I mean. So, what about this week. Well the story this week is kind of muddy. Meaning it’s not real a clear mystery with clues and a solution. It just feels like time spent with a moody teen. And moody teens are just confusing. You can’t tell what sets them off or what makes it all better.

* Spoiler Alert *  

Hank is back. Just guessing here but I think that Russell Hornsby, the actor who portrays Hank, had an injury. They wrote him out for two weeks and when he comes back he’s on crutches. A zip line injury he sustained while on vacation. Sure, I’ll buy that. In any case, it’s good to have him back.

Grimm - Season 2

I expected more out of this episode. I’m not sure what, a higher intensity, more magic, a clearer case? Something. The case is pretty easy to sum up quickly. Our new creature is a Musai, a pixie looking creature. She has a dangerous effect on the men she preys on. They become addicted to her and it usually ends badly. She picks creative men, drives them mad and believes that this is good for them. That it makes their lives exciting and them more likely to be famous, even if it means they die young.

While Nick and Hank are catching up at a cafe, a shooting takes place at a bookstore across the street. Hank calls in the shooting, as Nick races to the scene. Nick finds a woman being grabbed by a Wesen. We’ll later learn he’s a Luisant-Pecheur, an otter like creature. He escapes from Nick by doing a dive off an exterior stairway into the Willamette River. When Nick is interviewing the woman, Chloe, she explains that men are easily attracted to her. This is explained later because she is a Musai. Chloe kisses Nick’s hand and it turns him into a love drunk teenager.  Nick’s addiction is happening so fast because he’s a Grimm and has more power than she has ever experienced. Nick acting like a stereotypical teenager, is what being addicted to lust looks like in the world of GRIMM. He can’t leave her alone and her influence is making him rude and unstable.

Grimm - Season 2

Want to guess how his friends solve the case? Did you guess a trip to Aunt Marie’s trailer? Why yes, you are correct. This is Rosalee’s first trip to the trailer. I think this just leaves Sargent Wu for main characters that have not been in the trailer. Rosalee is so cute. At first she’s excited and thrilled to see the contents of the trailer, till Monroe points out that it’s a history of Grimm’s beheading Wesen like them. That brings her right back to the reality of the situation.

Okay, is the Portland police station, different than other police stations? This slaps of stupid. Grimm is treating the audience like we’re stupid. Hank and Renard question Chloe in a police interrogation room and say out loud that she’s a Musai and let her say that Nick is a Grimm. Full disclosure, I’ve never spent time in a real interrogation room but I’ve seen them on TV. In other TV shows everything that happens in there is recorded and usually observed through the two way mirror. So are we to believe that Portland doesn’t record interviews done in their precinct building? Apparently we are.

Grimm - Season 2

Juliette is not just gaining her memory. She’s getting better control of what she remembers and how. Two key pieces of information she brings back; Nick’s warning that Adalind is a witch, and in the trailer she recalls his explanation of what he is and what he can do as a Grimm. She tries to make up with Nick by making him a special dinner and apologize. But he’s off in love drunk land and can’t even hear her. In the end it’s her real love for Nick that brings him back. She is able to get through to him when no one else can and it’s not a moment too soon. Because he has his gun trained on Chloe’s ex-boyfriend and even Renard’s warning that he can not save Nick from this doesn’t break through.

And now for the most hilarious part of this week’s episode, the promo for next week. The promo starts out just as you’d expect with an intervention for Juliette. But then it comes, one word “Zombies”! Oh yes, they went there. I would have loved to have been in on the discussions for this coming episode. I don’t know how anyone kept a straight face. I figure it was something like, “Okay, we have the season finale coming up. We need something big to build up to the finale, something we haven’t done. What have we got?”

And someone answers, “We haven’t done anything with zombies. How about that?” They all laugh but no one can come up with anything better. So we get an episode of zombies. The episode is even titled… wait for it,  “The Walking Dead”. I don’t know how they can get by with that title, but according to the NBC website that’s the title. It seems pretty obvious that a whole lot of the stories set up this season will not be resolved any time soon. Speaking of which, Sean Renard’s brother, Eric, said he was going to pay Renard a visit weeks ago. I thought he would have made his little family reunion by now. But we didn’t see anything about any of the characters in Europe this week.

[Official Show Site at NBC]     [Previous recap: “GRIMM’s No Kill List”]

Maia Ades

Maia Ades resented the demanding schedule of first grade, as it interfered with her afternoon TV schedule. Now she watches TV for "research" and in order to write show reviews. She is currently involved in independent film production, and enjoys creating fine art.

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