So many stories are told about the “true story” of Thanksgiving. This is not one of those. This is the story of a science fiction fan who, frustrated with a certain particular cable network, decided to start a web site to deliver science fiction to fellow fans.

The original idea was to build a site that would not only deliver the news of the day, along with reviews and commentary, but also original content — web series, news programs, even movies — along with a library of classic science fiction stories. SciFi4Me version 1.0 was labor-intensive with a clunky Microsoft FrontPage design, and it limped along for about a year and a half before falling to economic realities. The lack of a hosting server was actually a blessing in disguise, as it led to the decision that put SciFi4Me on WordPress.

Version 2.0 launched in November 2010, and shortly after that we gained a handy group of fellow genre fans who volunteer their time to contribute content to the site. Since that time, we’ve gained quite a good-sized audience, and we’ve been to so many events, and we’ve had opportunities to talk with so many celebrities and authors and artists, and it’s all because the fan community keeps coming back for more.

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving…

THANK YOU to the volunteers who contribute to the site: Annaleigh, Kali, Debbie, Willow, Leslie, Maia, Maylin, Missy, Nathan, Dustin, Tim, Curtis, Dan, Chris, Casey, David, Erik, Louie, Andy, Zachary, Garret, Kevin, Shea and all of volunteers in the past who have added their voices to the site. Without your efforts, this magazine would have collapsed in on itself many a moon ago.

THANK YOU to the cast and crew of “Comic Con Carne” — Rina, Elaysha, Dan, Chris, Aaron, David, Maia, Garret, Jen, Heidi, Mandy, Micah, Chad — for the hard work in putting together a really good show every month. While we’re on hiatus, we’re thinking about new things to try.

THANK YOU to Jim and the gang at Clint’s Comics for letting us come in so often to shoot the show.

THANK YOU to the authors, artists, actors, producers, and creators who let us sit down and chat with them over the years. It’s such a kick to be doing this, and you’ve all been very gracious with your time.

THANK YOU to the conventions and the organizers who give us media access. We promise not to abuse the privilege.

And THANK YOU to the fans who read the articles, share our stories, comment on our recaps and generally participate in the on-going conversations. You’ve made it possible for us to keep going with this great experiment. Please be sure to share with your fellow fans. There’s a list of ideas for us to try for 2013, and hopefully it’ll take less than twelve parsecs to make it all run in the same direction. New shows, new features, and maybe even a new skin…

As always, if you have suggestions or comments or questions, feel free to contact us. It may take a while to respond, but we do our best to reach out to everyone who says “hi”.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Stay shiny, live long and prosper, and may the Force be with you.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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