Horror4MeOpinionReviewsTelevision & Film



Season 4, Episode 5 “Internment”




DUSTIN: How are you?

TIMOTHY: Fiiinne.

DUSTIN: Good. Good.

TIMOTHY: What is going on here?

I’m just being nice. What’s wrong with being nice?

Well, nothing, except for the fact that I have met you before and know you as a person.

I’m just feeling very happy about the quality of this show and how cool all that is.

Okay. I can buy that.

I’ll probably revert to my normal terrible ways if things go south.

One can only hope. This happy, smiling you is.. creepy.

I’ll choose to ignore that, thank you.

•    I don’t think either away team will factor strongly in this episode.
•    People in quarantine will start dying THIS week.
•    Sophia II will be very important.
•    People will not hem and haw about morals nearly as much with Rick out of town.
•    I wanna say… less zombies this week.

Very good.

Thanks, buddy, I appreciate you.

Anne-Marie:  ((shudder))

I’m… cold. Why am I cold? Anyway… Ladies and Gentlemen! What follows is Mr. Adair’s and my weekly review of AMC’s The Walking Dead, and we are joined, as always, by our very own Studio Audience Of One, Miss Anne-Marie. Tonight we will regale you with our thoughts, opinions, and general inappropriateness that we always bring to this, as well as SPOILERS! And as always, the show in question is of an adult nature, and the following is as well. Consider this fair warning.

Driving: Dumb Rick is driving. Drive Dumb Rick, drive.  Feel regrets and moral higgledy piggledy ness. Then @#$% off and die.

Little harsh, but already missing Carol, so can’t argue too much here.

Hershel and the others in quarantine are trying to intubate a fool but it’s hard since they are all sick and they can’t sedate the patient.  But it gets done.

Somehow I think it’s only going to get worse from here inside the quarantine block.

Shovel and Glen share a little water, germs, guys, germs. They discuss the council, and spaghetti.
Hershel you old jokester.

Shovel is left pumping air into the fool’s lungs. Is this really the best use of resources, Hershel?
Okay. Whatever you say.

Well, considering he wants to keep all of them alive… but I have a bad feeling about this.

Glen and Hershel go on rounds. There are a lot of sick idiots, and it looks like one dead idiot. Glenn is going to put him down, but Hershel wants to move him.

Fool moving. It takes two to do it properly.

They move the dead fool. Sophia II sees them and Hershel checks her temperature and tells her to go do her homework. Stop being the worst, Sophia II.

Yeeeaaaah… she’s a very creepy child.

Hershel and Glenn talk about all the dead people that they have had to put down, only 2 as it turns out.


Meanwhile in the death chamber, Maggie and Hershel talk, Maggie wants to talk about Glen, and she wants to be the queen of self-sacrifice junction and join him. Hershel says no.
They talk about how tired Hershel is. It’s a Hallmark moment.
They lie and tell each other they believe they will survive the sickness.
It’s very sweet how they spare each others feelings, yet don’t at all.

OK, this is really starting to weird me out. Sick Glenn, Hershel having a moment with Maggie… the producers implying we’ll be losing people this season. Hang in there Hershel.

Glenn was listening the whole time.

Glenn. Listening the whole time.

You hang in there too, Glenn.

So Maggie goes and takes some aggression out on the walkers. Rick arrives. @#$% you Rick, explain your fool ass now.

And here we go.

Rick asks about Carl and Judith, and Maggie asks about Carol. Rick tries to pawn it off, but Maggie is a stickler. Rick tells her Carol killed my Mellissa and that other guy who no one knows or cares about. Rick tells her that he sent her away to protect her from Tyreese and his crazy pants. Really Rick? Really? I think it’s because she was making choices you are not man enough to make and your testicles felt a little small in her presence.

But that’s just me.

Not happy about it, but I think he’s a little afraid of Carol right now. And I’m not sure that killing two people who are sick is where we want Rick to go, do we? Carol’s pragmatism
is logical, but it’s still unnerving.

Rick tells Maggie all the dumb @#$% he did last episode and swears her to secrecy.
Maggie… agrees with his dumbness. I’m glad I’m not part of this family. It’s so easy to get kicked out.
Rick goes to kid quarantine to check on Carl, everything is a-okay.

Carl wants to help, but Rick wants him to be safe. Carl says he can’t protect him from the inevitable, but Rick says he has to try.

Dear Lord in heaven. Rick told Carl to stay inside and Carl said he would. Carl. Said. He. Would.
Sniff. Our boy is all grown up. And being right. Rick can’t protect him from everything, but Rick is right too… he has to try. Which is why he sent Carol away, I’m thinking. Wrong choice, but I get what he’s trying to do.

Meanwhile: intubation.

Hershel goes to check on Dr. S, who’s… not doing great. He has given way to the sadness. He says he is end stage and not to worry about him.
He also made some IV’s out of magic and dreams apparently.
Dr. S secreted in a gun, and he shows it to Hershel.
Dr. S is the saddest bird in the belfry, you guys.
Hershel tries to reason with him, but Dr. S is not having it. His eyes are bleeding. Sorry, Dr. S.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing Zombie Doctor shortly. Too bad, too. For somebody we really didn’t get to know this season, the Doc seems like a pretty cool guy. Alas, he didn’t make it into the credits, so…

Hershel is locking idiots in their cells and telling them to drink their tea. A fool dies. It’s terrible. Everyone comes out to have a look. Shovel gets her cart and they take the dead idiot out.
Hershel tells Shovel to go back to her cell and rest and he takes the dead idiot. Oh Hershel, don’t ever change, but also never mercy kill anyone for the good of the group. Rick has issues with that.

Somehow think that Hershel is the last one who will be jumping on the mercy killing wagon.

Oh c’mon Hershel. Make an exception.

Hershel has problems knifing people he knows, it’s beautiful.

And here’s why. He cares too much about everybody to make that decision easily, and yeah, it is a really good scene.

Rick comes to the death chamber and he and Hershel talk. Rick asks if Hershel is okay and Hershel waxes poetic about what you see and what you know. Rick tells Hershel that the idiots all see Hershel and how amazing he is.

Rick tells Hershel things are going to have to change. Way to be quick on the uptake, Rick. Why is this show about you?

Hershel talks about how he still has faith.

Rick brings up Carol and later, after being spared the dumbness, Hershel goes to lock everyone in their cells.

I don’t know what Hershel is feeling.

Shovel has fallen over, oh noes!! Hershel misses that one of the idiots has died as he goes to help her.

Here’s where it’s going to get ugly.

Rick and Maggie go about getting the fences shored up. Maggie asks if she should go in and be dumb and join them in the quarantine. Then Rick is grabbed by a walker and she cuts off its arm.

Meanwhile in quarantine, Shovel is okay. Hershel and she have a sweet moment about how dumb she thought Hershel was to go into quarantine. And how much she appreciates how dumb he was. She talks about statistical analysis and the nature of luck and Hershel takes it as a complement.

Good Lord, this is an awkward scene and I mean that as a compliment. It’s so… human. Sasha is tripping over her words and babbling and it just works.

Glen is pumping air into the intubated fool’s lungs, but he’s dead. He tries to do CPR, but it is too late. He tries to call for Hershel but it’s too late.

It’s too late because Glenn is collapsing onto the floor and bleeding out his mouth and this, this is a bad thing.

They are all being locked in their cells, Sophia II sees the intubated walker get up!! ITS ALL HAPPENING!!
Lots of the sick idiots are dying and turning into walkers all at once!! One of the quarantine people has a gun, but he isn’t fast enough with it and is bitten, and the only person he hit with a bullet is one of the living people!

Rick sends Maggie in to quarantine when they hear the shots ring out.

Sophia II leads the intubated dude away from Glenn. Like he’s a puppy.

Great. Now she’s the Zombie Whisperer. Is it too much to hope for that she gets eaten?  Because she’s going to be a real problem. Damnit. If she gets Hershel killed…

Suddenly it is night. Like, super-duper suddenly. Rick goes to get Carl to help shore up the fences.

Gah! Seriously? Did we not learn our lesson the last time they did this? C’mon people! Continuity!

Sophia II trips and the intubated walker falls on top of her!! Hershel is there in time to save her.


Maggie tries to break into quarantine, but she’s really bad at it.

Well it IS a prison. It’s not like it’s supposed to be easy to break through those doors.

Whatever. Hershel locks the kids in a cell and checks on Glenn.

Who is not looking well at all. The bleeding all over everything is very bad. Hang in there Glenn!

Maggie cries and points and stuff.

Dr. S is a walker.

Yep. Ah well. Thanks for all your efforts Doc, sorry about the head shot.

Rick and Carl are shoring up the fence. Rick and Carl: working together. One of the timbers breaks… wait!!  all the timbers break!!  AAHH walkers inside!!


Things are not going great.

Carl and Rick get some guns as the walkers break through all the fencing!

Anne-Marie wants Carol to show up with a tank and a flame thrower.

We should be so lucky.

Hershel decides to lure the walkers away instead of subjecting the children to seeing him shoot them.

That’s noble and kind and all, but I don’t think you’re protecting Lizzie from anything, and tactically? Errrr…

Rick and Carl and walkers oh my!

Guess giving Carl back his gun was a good thing after all. Perhaps the Hat is satisfied with Zombie blood.
For now.

Ricks notice how great at all the shooting Carl is. Is he proud?

It kind of is a father and son bonding moment, isn’t it?

Maggie breaks into the quarantine!!

I said no tongue!

Hershel is surrounded!!

Glenn is super sick!!

Hershel goes and gets the intubation from the intubated walker.

Hershel fights with a zombie hand-to-hand to get the tube to save Glenn, and it’s really tense and Maggie wants to shoot the walker, but Hershel is afraid that she might hit the tube, and…

Maggie shoots that mofo in the head.

She does indeed. Nice shot, and I like the fact that she took it. She loves Glenn, and she loves her dad, and she made a choice to save them both.

Maggie and Hershel rush to Glenn’s side!!

Glenn is intubated!! OH THE PRESSURE!!

Ok. This was a great scene. Nothing funny here.

Are we really worried that Glenn will die? Yeah, a little bit. Which is good, because the writers have actually given us a situation where he could, and it’s not one of those “yeah, yeah, things are so dangerous now, uh huh” moments, and that’s one more thing this season is doing really well.

But Glenn survives…

And we breathe a sigh of relief.

Hershel says he didn’t want Maggie in the quarantine area, but there is no “in here or our there” anymore.

Well, certainly now that Maggie broke the window to get in, but still, yes. And keeping Maggie and Glenn apart, Hershel and his daughters apart, really isn’t going to work for any of them anymore.

Sophia II arrives to be insane and creepy. I was really hoping she was just a weird kid, but I have to agree with Tim now. That kid is trouble with a capital RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!

She’s tracing patterns in a puddle of blood with her shoe. She’s TRACING PATTERNS IN A PUDDLE OF BLOOD WITH HER SHOE! Carol? Carol, come back… you’re gonna have to kill someone for us, because this kid is bad, bad news.

Carl and Rick finish with the walkers just as the away team arrives with the medicine.

It’s those special moments between father and son that make it all worthwhile.

Jeez guys… you missed all the fun. Way to get here late for the party.

Tyreese goes to bring the medicine.

Which may be the first time you haven’t said you hate him this season.

It won’t last. The Medic helps with the dosages, Maggie tells Hershel it’s time to rest.

I think he deserves it, yeah. Oh, and remember, Hershel is doing all of this with an artificial leg, one likely not fitted by a professional, so it’s probably really uncomfortable, and yeah. Take five, Hershel.

Hershel, wins badass of the month, you guys.

Remember when we first met him? We talk a lot about how good Carol’s arc has been, but Hershel needs some recognition too. Scott Wilson is really, really good.

He goes and closes Dr. S’s dead ass eye and tries to reads from his Bible, but he can’t. He cries.

Still a bad ass.

Yes. Seriously, the writers are so on it this season. Not a big scene, very subtly acted: A man of faith in a struggle between his belief and the nightmare he’s living in.

Rick goes to clean up the walker mess with Michonne, but she says she doesn’t need held and sends him away. Carl comes and Rick says he has to talk to Daryl soon… but he puts it off.

Can’t really blame him. That’s not going to be a conversation that is going to go well.

Hershel and Tyreese talk about how Glen is getting better. Daryl asks about Carol, Hershel pawns the conversation off on Rick.

And that’s the right choice. Rick has to be the one to tell him.

Michonne invites Hershel to join her on an excursion to dump the dead.

And being the bad ass… Hershel says yes. And being the good man who wants to help, and will help, those he cares about. Interesting contrast with Carol, by the way. Both completely committed to protecting the ones they love, and both miles apart in how they do it.

Rick looks at peas. Carl eats one. Peace has returned to the valley.

Oh, God. That was almost a terrible, terrible pun, and actually, it still kind of is. Really sir?

Except… The Governor is watching…

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnn!!!! Apparently Michonne hasn’t been looking close enough to home, ’cause he’s right outside guys! And that bodes, well, not at all good. So! Tense episode.

Very tense. Very good. Nice to see a Prison episode that doesn’t make us want to be anywhere but the Prison. And they didn’t really drag out the sickness arc, they kept it tight and dramatic.

I agree. Now let’s see if we can agree on your predictions.

I think you’ll find I had a mixed bag this week. Sure, I was right
about the quarantined people dying, but I was completely off about it being a zombie light episode. And while there was nothing along the lines of Rick’s moral quandaries at the Prison, both away teams were important. Rick returned and defended against the zombie hoards, and Daryl’s team got back in the nick of time to save Glenn and Shovel.

As for Sophia II, well, she’s a bit of a nightmare, isn’t she? Kinda important, kinda not, so I’m going to give myself a… 2.25 this week. Just under half right. Yeah, that seems about right.

You OK? You’ve gone awfully quiet over there.

Who are you and what have you done with Dustin?

I think you’re overreacting a bit sir. Anyway, that’s all the time we have this week! Looks like we’re going to have a Governor-centered episode next week, so maybe we’ll find out what he’s been up to, yeah? We hope you’ll join us again then! Take care folks!


[Official Show Site at AMC]


Timothy Harvey

Timothy Harvey is a Kansas City based writer, director, actor and editor, with something of a passion for film noir movies. He was the art director for the horror films American Maniacs, Blood of Me, and the pilot for the science fiction series Paradox City. His own short films include the Noir Trilogy, 9 1/2 Years, The Statement of Randolph Carter - adapted for the screen by Jason Hunt - and the music video for IAMEVE’s Temptress. He’s a former President and board member for the Independent Filmmakers Coalition of Kansas City, and has served on the board of Film Society KC.

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