STITCHERS Leaves Us Hanging
This week Cameron stumbles upon his neighbor’s dead body… and the Stitchers team is out to solve the murder of Robbie Peterson.
Cameron receives a phone call from Kirsten, who is annoyed at him for being late for her medical exam. He then realizes that his neighbor, Robbie Peterson, has stolen his mail once again, and Kirsten encourages him to confront his neighbor. He finds the apartment door unlocked, and Robbie dead on the floor.
Kirsten, Detective Fisher, and police arrive at the scene and they examine the body. Detective Fisher tells Kirsten and Cameron that it was a hit, and they decide to stitch into his memories.
Back at the lab, Cameron takes extra precautions to make sure Kirsten is okay to stitch, and Maggie is annoyed with him. In the memories, all Kirsten sees is the man spying on all his neighbors with a telescope. She feels a connection with a young woman in a tank top and a jogger that runs by shop window. She also sees a couple arguing, and the boyfriend is holding a knife. She bounces out, and the team decides to go to Cameron’s apartment to try and see what his neighbor was looking at.
At Cameron’s apartment, Kirsten looks through a telescope and examines the apartments across the street. Once Fisher arrives, he informs Kirsten that the LAPD has closed Ed Clark’s case, and has ruled it as a suicide. She hopes to prove him wrong.
She continues her search, and sees the couple fighting again. The girlfriend goes into the other room, and the boyfriend follows her with the knife in his hand. Fisher calls for backup, but it’s too late – blood is splattered all across the wall. Fisher and several officers raid the apartment, but the girlfriend is alive. The boyfriend is an artist, and he uses a knife to splatter paint across a canvas.
Fisher comes back to Cameron’s apartment, and informs the team that the couple always fights, usually about money. The artist’s name is Ginsberg – and Robbie had bought a painting of his. The team still has no clues, so Kirsten continues searching.
That night at the lab, Maggie is doing paperwork in her office and security cameras on her computer start to go offline. She walks out of her office, and two tech people walk out of the elevator. She asks them if they’ve seen anyone get off the elevator, and at that moment someone in all black sneaks into the elevator before the doors close. No one sees that person, and Maggie goes back to her office.
Throughout the episode, Linus has asked Camille several times why she won’t go out with him. She insists that she had fun with him, and at this point in the episode she informs him that she enjoys being single too much to actually date anyone.
Kirsten confronts Cameron and tells him to stop smothering her. Cameron decides to show Kirsten the footage of Marta being ripped out of a stitch, and tells her that Marta has been in a coma for the last four months. He says, “I can’t risk you.” From the other room, Linus tells them to come and look at the telescope.
The girl in the tank top grabs two beers out of her fridge, and looks straight at the telescope. She motions for him to come over. The team is shocked, and by the time they decide to send Cameron over, the girl is already at his door. She and Cameron talk, and the girl thanks him for sending over groceries to her apartment, because she knew he could see her empty fridge from his apartment. She knows that he has been watching her for months. (She really knows that Robbie has been watching her for months, but she doesn’t know he’s dead).
Once she leaves, the team heads back to the lab. Kirsten wants to stitch again, but Maggie tells her the timing is too tight. Kirsten insists anyway, and ignores Cameron’s concerns. In the stitch, she is able to rewind the memories very quickly so that she can look at all the apartments. One of them always keeps the blinds closed, and Kirsten notices a man that looks up at the telescope from the sidewalk and gestures to Robbie that he knows he is watching.
Kirsten bounces with seconds to spare, and the team heads back to Cameron’s apartment. They look at the apartment with the blinds always closed, 3C. Cameron and Kirsten go to the apartment, only to find the door plastered over. Kirsten takes a fire extinguisher and takes down the wall, and they find passports of all women, and they conclude that the man who gestured to Robbie is a part of a human trafficking ring. Kirsten and Cameron run out of the apartment and go outside to try to catch the van, and the police arrive in time to arrest the man and save the women.
Back at Cameron’s apartment, Kirsten, Camille, and Linus toast their victory, but then Kirsten leaves to go get Cameron. She reaches his bedroom door, then stops. He is only wearing a towel, and when he turns to face Kirsten, there is a giant scar on his chest. Instead of telling her what it is, he shuts his door, and she goes back to join Camille and Linus. The last shot shows a man on the rooftop of the building across the street, spying on Kirsten.
This week, Fisher gets more screen time, which is a plus. He is beginning to become more valuable to the team. Although he isn’t able to disprove the suicide of Ed Clark, Kirsten is determined to prove him wrong, and I’m hoping they’ll work together to try and solve that case.
Someone broke into the lab and was able to turn the security cameras off and sneak back out. They mysterious person must have stolen something…and once Maggie finds out she will not be happy.
Which leads to the photo – the writers left the audience hanging this week. The photo of Maggie, Ed Clark, and Kirsten’s mom with “remember” written on the back was not mentioned once this week, and neither was Marta, who opened her eyes last week. They have to mention at least one of them in next week’s episode to keep the audience interested. The writers should also reconsider how they’re writing dialogue, because most of it is cringe worthy.
Camille and Linus work through they’re relationship issues – or lack thereof. Things are a little rocky with the two, but by the end of the episode, they are back to their quirky friendship. They provide comic relief throughout all the episodes, and make a good team.
We got a lot of Cameron’s perspective this week. We saw exactly how badly Marta’s stitch went, and the effect it had on him. His concern for Kirsten makes more sense now, and in this episode he takes all possible precautions to make sure she is physically and mentally healthy. When Cameron shows Kirsten Marta’s stitch, she is able to understand why Cameron is so concerned.
Cameron’s concern for her goes beyond the incident with Marta – he has feelings for her, and has hinted that throughout the show. It would be nice to see them confront those feelings head on. And the large scar on Cameron’s chest is never explained. Has he had heart surgery? Hopefully we’ll know by next week’s episode, or if the writers keep at it we’ll know by next season.
The last shot is of a man spying on Kirsten with a pair of binoculars. We have no idea why he is spying on her, but something tells me it might be her father.
On a side note – tank top girl? Why didn’t she call the police? A guy is spying on her through his apartment window with his telescope, sends groceries to her apartment, and her first instinct is to invite him over for a beer? I’m not buying it.
This week’s nick names:
Goose – a Top Gun reference, but I’m counting it anyway.