Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Second SWATting Attack Targets Comicsgate’s Edwin Boyette

Just over a week after the alleged SWATting attack on Alterna Comics publisher Peter Simeti, it seems another attack has taken place, this time against outspoken (but soft spoken) Edwin Boyette.

Boyette, who is a regular commenter in the ongoing “Comicsgate” movement, reported via Twitter that he and his wife had been the targets of what appeared to be a SWATting attempt in Honolulu, Hawaii:

Boyette followed up with a request for calm and rational thought, posting, “If you get angry on my behalf please don’t say or communicate anything that could harm or negatively impact you! Speak with clarity and compassion!”

On a livestream discussing among several YouTube personalities, Boyette said that police arrived at his home at about 4:30 a.m. in response to a 911 call reporting that Boyette had stabbed and killed his wife and was himself suicidal. According to Boyette, about half of the eight officers had weapons drawn, and all were in tactical gear.

The details of the false call match the one that was used against Peter Simeti, who was told that the 911 call targeting him was from someone who claimed to be Simeti, and that he had just stabbed his girlfriend and was suicidal. While it’s possible this is a copycat incident, it’s also possible the two attacks could be related.

Boyette confirmed to us, “I’m cooperating with the Honolulu Police Department and will be reaching out Monday to the Police Department Peter Simeti is working with.”

Simeti posted reaction on Twitter:

We have reached out to the Honolulu PD for an update.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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