OpinionPodcastReviewsTelevision & Film

SciFi4Chicks Solves ORPHAN BLACK’s Mommy Issues

It’s this time of the year again… Orphan Black is wrapping up its season and SciFi4Chicks can’t stop talking. Oh yes, it’s once again a supersized episode, but with an amazing finale like this, what else did you expect?

As Clone Club races towards the truth, Castor and Topside force Sarah to make uneasy alliances. But there is some rest for the wicked, when Donnie gives Helena an unexpected ‘gift’, and the results of Alison’s candidacy finally come in. Even as Team Leda takes a moment to breathe, change is afoot and a life hangs in the balance.

Tune in for another installment of SciFi4Chicks, as Alex revisits her #ShinyHappyPlace, Heather is only slightly disappointed as the lack of her favorite hunk, there’s plot twist after plot twist, and we wonder: Is it April 2016 yet?

The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.

Find out who is our Clone Queen and Back-up of this amazing finale! Share your opinions and emotions about this episode in the comments below or on social media of your choice (as long as it’s Twitter), and we will see you for the final podcast of our Orphan Black Clone Club, where we will take a look back on season 3!


SciFi4Me Staff

Posts involving multiple members of the staff of SciFi4Me.

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