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Harvey Dent Moves to GOTHAM


Gotham is adding one more name to the Rogues Gallery.

Deadline is reporting that Nicholas D’Agosto (Masters Of Sex) has joined the cast as Harvey Dent. D’Agosto will have a recurring role this season with an option to become a regular in season two. Dent is described as “a bright, charming, idealistic Assistant District Attorney whose sole mission is to eradicate the crime and corruption that has poisoned Gotham”.

Of course, Batman fans know that Harvey Dent eventually becomes the villain Two-Face after Boss Maroni throws acid in the D.A.’s face. But that’s years away in this show’s time line. Maroni, by the way, will make his first appearance in Monday’s episode, “The Balloonman”.

Some fans are already noting (some with irritation) that Gotham is adding too many of the Rogues, and that some of them are going to be the wrong age by the time Batman arrives on the scene. It’s interesting that the show would add Harvey Dent, as most versions of the character have him about the same age and build as Bruce Wayne. In Batman: Year One, Dent was even suspected of being the Batman himself.

What do you think? Too soon for Harvey Dent or not?


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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