Television & Film

BEAUTY & THE BEAST: A Dark Man Waits with a Dark Purpose


Episode 118: “Heart of Darkness”


[Photos: Ben Mark Holzberg/The CW]

Evan, NOOOOOO! Evan was smart, funny, sophisticated, and handsome, and how he carried himself? Meow. Yes, how a man carries himself can seriously add or subtract from the total package; am I crazy? Now, if Cat hadn’t met Vincent, would she have ever found it in herself to love Evan? Adoration is pretty intoxicating. Maybe it makes more sense that Cat, having sustained loss and damage herself, would ultimately relate more to Vincent than to Evan, who kept his own troubled past private. But all these questions ultimately are moot, because if Cat had chosen Evan or Vincent, the show would have been called “Beauty and the M.E.” instead of Beauty and the Beast.

Evan starts out the episode, guzzling scotch as he informs Muirfield agent Kyle where to find Vincent. After Kyle leaves, Evan realizes he’s being watched by Muirfield agents (apparently, Muirfield doesn’t teach the value of “discreet” surveillance). Evan needs an escape plan, and hapless extra #2 sitting at the bar will do; Evan decks him, and the police cooperatively escort him to lockup.

Meanwhile, Cat and Vincent enjoy domesticity. For a moment, it appears we’ll enjoy it with them as things progress from playful to pseudo-serious pretty quickly, but Tess shows up for some girl time. Vincent fumblingly attempts to smooth things over, the attempt made all the more amusing given that his pants are unzipped. Tess and Cat leave Vincent to his laundry so they can chat and drink beer up on the roof; in my opinion, this is a domestic arrangement of the highest degree of civility. Tess and Cat discuss the deadly seriousness of Vincent’s secret, before Cat gets the call that Evan’s in the clink.

Cat’s visit to Evan in jail begins with her mild amusement, but when Evan confronts her about her “new boyfriend”, Cat is stunned. Evan admits his involvement with Muirfield and that his motivation all along has been to protect her. Cat realizes his long confession has really just served to delay her so she’d be safe as Vincent is besieged by Muirfield. Luckily, Vincent escapes the tunnels with relative ease.

Later, Cat finds ADA Lowan going through records in Evan’s morgue, and Cat mentions that her desk had been rifled through. Lowan says he’s written his own search warrant. Now, I’m no attorney, but last I checked, you had to be a judge to issue a search warrant. Cat, who should be relatively well-versed in the law around warrants, lets him get away with it, no questions asked. Lowan claims to have a good excuse: he thinks there’s a mole in the department, and he’s narrowed his choices down to Evan and Cat. Maybe playing nice is the right approach here; good thinking, Cat.

While Cat is tied up with Lowan, Evan languishes on the subway. Honestly, more mopey, he’d have to wear black and convert to EMO (or whatever today’s angst-y youth do). Vincent confronts Evan. Each argues the other has put Cat in danger; each argues he’s the better man. They both have points, of course, but the reality is there’s no rational explanation of affairs of the heart. Vincent’s the one who makes her weak in the knees. Doesn’t matter whom she’s chosen, Evan has contacted Muirfield via a panic button, and both Vincent and Evan are ensnared.

J.T. shows up at the station to warn Cat and Tess that the tracking signal on Vincent’s burner phone has been jammed. Given Muirfield’s recent increased presence, all three head to the last location transmitted, where Evan also happens to be. With Tess’ and J.T.’s help, Cat manages to sneak past NSA-level security, even foiling voice recognition security.  You can’t break voice authentication like that, but you guys already know that.

Inside the agency, three simultaneous storylines emerge: Evan ditches his Muirfield babysitter and rifles around in Records and the med lab; Vincent is visited by the increasingly intriguing Agent Kyle; and Cat zeroes in. After Kyle visits Vincent to taunt him, Evan stumbles upon Vincent. Evan shares his new knowledge about Muirfield: they’ve continued their experiments, based on the creepy stuff he saw in the lab. Duh. This dramatically changes things for Evan, and when Kyle returns, Evan attempts to fight him off. Muirfield apparently trains its agents better at hand-to-hand combat than they do surveillance, and Kyle beats the poo out of Evan. Agent Kyle, however, skipped training the day they covered “kill zones” on the human body, and he shoots Evan in the gut.

With Kyle occupied, Cat frees Vincent, then finds injured Evan. Despite Evan’s unclear medical condition, Cat’s firm. They’re not leaving without him, not letting him die, and not letting Gabe Lowan continue with the notion that Evan’s the mole. Cat runs ahead to verify the underground electrical tunnel is a viable way out. Evan uses the time to ask Vincent if he knows about Cat’s parents. What it is they both seem to know is unclear, but it sounds juicy, and Vincent insists Cat can’t know.

On their way out, a door not in the building schematics traps the trio. Vincent beastifies, Evan apologizes to Cat for his misguided notions and gives himself up to the pursuing Muirfield posse just as Vincent finally opens the stubborn door. Oh, the humanity!

Later, Cat checks in with Lowan at the precinct. His hand trembles uncontrollably and he monkeys with a drawerful of meds before selecting a handful to inhale. Apparently, Monsieur Lowan is unwell. Cat professes no knowledge of Evan’s whereabouts, but Lowan is satisfied with the email that Evan managed shortly before his death, in which Evan accepted the blame for being the mole. Not only did Evan allow Cat to escape with the man she loved, but he also cleared her name at work.

Later, Cat does her own EMO subway cruising; Vincent finds her. Cat blames herself for Evan’s death, Vincent’s capture, Evan’s feelings for her, Vincent falling in love with her, etc. He reminds her they’ll always be vulnerable, but he can’t live without her. Her brain finally takes that next planful, vengeful step: Muirfield would no longer be an issue if they were out of the picture. Now, that’s my girl!

So what do we think, guys? I didn’t love this episode: Evan croaked and not much going on between Cat and Vincent. The final scene between them on the train provided a nice retrospective, and there was a lot of action in this episode, but mostly I feel like this was a bridge intended to carry us to the next storyline. Anyone else feel that way?

Just four episodes left, and the foremost question that I hope gets answered is what is the deal with Cat’s parents? Oh, and let’s get a little more action between Vincent and Cat before it’s all said and done, can we? See you guys next time!


[Official Show on CW]   [Previous Recap: “Partners in Crime”]

6 thoughts on “BEAUTY & THE BEAST: A Dark Man Waits with a Dark Purpose

  • Thanks Leslie for your insightful BATB review. I always look forward to them. Yes, anxious to find out the secret Vincent is keeping from Cat. Gosh, I hope it will not break up VinCat. We definitely needed more sexy time VinCat – when I heard there was a laundry scene, my mind automatically thought we’d be getting V lifting C on the washing machine and her wrapping her legs and makeout ensuing…aww well.

  • Hey Samson, in every romantic drama, there are separations of all kinds because our couples are most interesting when their relationships are in danger. I’m not saying that Cat’s parents’ secret will be the thing that will break them up, but something will at some point. And then they’ll get back together a few episodes later, and all will be right with the world again…for an episode. =)

  • I always enjoy reading your recaps! Since you asked, anyone, including a lawyer/DA or a police officer can “write” a warrant, but in order for it to be valid, it must be signed by a judge prior to the search.

    I was not as sad to see Evan go, since he always seemed a bit sexist to me, thinking he knew better than Cat what was good for her. She’s a very smart girl, I would think he would respect that, and let her decide for herself what is best for her. Hope they don’t bring him back either, as that would be too far fetched.

  • CatKeller, thank you for that bit of education! I love how you guys make me so much more informed about the world in general. You’re right about Evan; he took the protective thing too far. I did think that he was an inspired casting choice, however, and I hope that Max Brown has an awesome career; I intend to follow it!

  • Hello!!

    And here i am for anothere recap…First of all, Great job! As Always i loved your review. That’s been said let’s talk abot this episode that let me sad, mad and a lot of other feelings.

    The Vincat scene was absolutely gorgeous. Althought i have a confess to make, I loved the vincat moment been interupted by Tess. Don’t think i’m crazy, i would love to see them enjoying a little more but we want more normal than that? Who at least once, was with a boyfriend and your best friend calls or shows up at your door wanting to talk?? That’s life lol!!!

    Then we have Evan…i love Max Brown and i really wish he would come back for season 2. How? I have no idea and after Max good byes on twitter i guess it doesn’t matter anymore because he won’t come back anyway… Evan for me, was jealous and with wounded pride. He couldn’t accept the fact that Catherine had chosen a moster, a criature who wasn’t even a man( Evan words here) over him. His death for me was a little silly, the whole speech was beautiful but the writers could have done better. That open arms…God!!! Sorry but i hated it.

    Another thing i have a serious problem, the way Tess and Jt met, For God’s sake Tess and Jt met in the pilot!! And just for the record, Tess and Catherine went to the warehouse together on the very first episode, so how in the world no one in the precint found out about JT? Or Catherine and Tess follow some lead and end up on his door? That’s never was clear to me. How they found Jt so easy?

    Coming back to Heart of Darkness, i hear some persons saying that was to easy for Catherine to save Vincent, at first that bothers me too but when i watched the episode again i was thinking…Muirfield is a top secret organization, they manage to stay out of the radar for so many years, then, my guess, that’s not their only headquarters and most of all, the reason why they don’t have securities cameras is because if something went wrong its one thing they don’t have to worry about. Images are something you can argue much, if you know what a meant.

    The one million dolar question, what Evan find out that Vincent knows? It has to be something really bad because when Vincent said they couldn’t tell Catherine, Evan totally agree…Some theories online are saying her father worked or works for Murfield, i think they are right but for me, there is something else even worse and when Catherine finds out that Vincent knew she won’t be cute…

    Let’s talk a little about Gabe…i don’t have a clue about his A game, he is a beast too? It seems like, he Works for muirfield i don’t think so. What i do know is that i love to hate this character and i hope he stay with us on season 2.

    Finally the last scene…i have to say when Vincent said “That was the ebst day of my life” I finally forgave him for the whole Alex thing LOL, i know i should have move on already, but Alex and Vincent’s actions with her was stuck on my throat, but Finally I’m in Peace with that now lol. I totally agree with you Catherine is more determined than ever. IT was just me or when Vincent said on the promo “Anything else i should know” he was a mixture of mad and jealousy?? Based on the promo, maybe Gabe helped Catherine to figure something to stop Muirfield and Catherine went behind Vincent’s back?? He was acting like he just had find out about what she was doing…

    God!! I wrote more than i should lol, hope you don’t mind. i can’t wait to watch the next episode, this week is great Supernatural comes back on Wednesday and Beauty and The Beast is on fire…

    Have a great week and i will come back later to read the others opinions…

  • Hi Ana, glad you’re back, you always have great things to contribute! I agree with EVERYTHING you said, with just one tiny exception. I still think it was too easy for Cat to find Vincent! If you are a top secret organization, you aren’t worried about evidence against you, you just make it disappear…except in Vincent’s case =) So I don’t think they’d be worried about photo evidence against them, they’d be far more concerned with monitoring people getting inside. Not that I’m an expert on top secret organizations! And sorry it took me so long to respond, life is a constant juggling act, my friend! Take care, see you soon after Thursday night!


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