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AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. is Out of the Shadows — LEVEL ELEVENTY-SEVEN 30



S2E1 “Shadows”

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is back with an action-packed season premiere that introduces new characters, twists up existing characters, and gives our team some new adversaries.

Synopsis: Director Coulson and his team have to track down “the very first” #084 – something packed away by Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos back at the end of World War II, a twisted hunk of metal that kills anyone who touches it. Using the talents of mercenaries led by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Isabel Hartley, Coulson’s team infiltrates a military warehouse to retrieve the object before it can be stolen by a new villain known as the Absorbing Man. This new HYDRA operative can alter his cell structure to match that of anything he touches, and he gets himself sent to the right place at the right time to try to steal this 084.

Meanwhile, May and Skye are on a mission-within-a-mission, as the team’s need for stealth technology has them looking to sources other than Leo Fitz, who’s suffering from severe mental trauma that keeps him from being the genius he once was.

The Panel: Kammie Settle, Dan Handley, Timothy Harvey, Jason Hunt




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Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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