Conventions & EventsPodcast

H2O #159: In Which We Discuss San Diego vs. Salt Lake


This week, we take a look at the continuing saga of the legal proceedings between Comic-Con International and Salt Lake Comic Con. Specifically: SLCC has file paperwork to get SDCC’s trademark cancelled because it doesn’t meet the criteria of a proper trademark.

Going on three years now, the battle stems from SDCC’s assertion that they own the term “comic con” (or comic-con or comicon or what have you), which is a total pile of cow manure, to those of us looking on from the sidelines. How in the world does SDCC think they can own a term that’s been in use since before they existed? A term that’s being used by conventions worldwide. What’s the motivation behind this lawsuit? And what’s keeping SDCC from suing other events? Why single out SLCC?

[audioplayer file=”″ titles=”H2O #159: In Which We Discuss San Diego vs. Salt Lake” artists=”SciFi4Me Radio” track=”d8b94d”]

Programming note: H2O is currently experimenting with a live stream of our recording sessions on SciFi4Me TV.2.

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