Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: October 7th-13th

Good morning, good day, good evening to you all!  Annaleigh back here with your weekly dose of the geeky and historical.  I hope you all have  had a wonderful week and this week shall be no different (hopefully).  I will spare you all a rant about the idiocy of Columbus in light of Columbus Day (consider yourselves lucky!) and instead focus on the awesome stuff that happened in this week.   Onward with the history!

[NOTE: This week, the Geekly takes a break from the cocktails. Your assignment: find your favorite sci-fi themed drink specials and send it to me:]

October 7th, 2003: The Governator is elected out in Cali!

October 8th, 2001: Two Russian cosmonauts make a spacewalk outside of the ISS.  The unique thing about this is that it is the first time it is done without a shuttle present.

October 9th, 2009: NASA launches LCROSS (the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite).  On November 13th, the announcement was made that LCROSS had found water on the moon.

October 11th, 1869: Thomas Ediston patents his first invention- an electric machine used for counting votes.

October 11th, 1968: Apollo 7 is launched.  It is the first manned mission in the Apollo program.

October 11th, 1984: Kathryn D. Sullivan spacewalks.  Aboard the shuttle Challenger, she is the first female astronaut to do so.

October 11th, 1985:  She who would become The Key- aka Dawn Summers-, Michelle Trachtenberg, is born in New York City.  (Make sure to wish her a happy birthday via Twitter@RealMichelleT.)

October 12th, 1810: (This is a Lush event…not necessarily a geeky one).  The first Oktoberfest is held in Bavaria.  Its origins are a royal wedding celebration, not exactly a beer festival…but, then again, they are German.

October 12th, 1964: The Russians launch Voskhod 1.  It is the first spaceflight to carry more than one man into orbit as well as the first that did not use spacesuits.

October 12th, 1968: The man who would later don the claws of Wolverine, Hugh Jackman, is born in Sydney.

October 12th, 1994: The Magellan space probe ends its 4-year mission to Venus.  Its purpose was to map the surface of the planet.


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