- Preacher _ Season 1, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs/Sony Pictures Television/AMC
Horror4MePodcastTelevision & Film



With both Walking Dead series on their season and mid-season breaks, #TeamZombie continues its new Zombpocalypse Now podcast by turning the baleful eyes of Mr. Harvey and Mr. Adair onto AMC’s newest supernatural thriller: Preacher.

And now with more Dead of Summer!
[Editor’s note: Horror4Me will also deliver recaps of each episode of Dead of Summer by Allison Isberg. Stay tuned!]

Timothy: Hey folks! Starting with this episode, Dustin and I move to a longer format to incorporate the new Freeform series Dead of Summer to our weekly Zombpocalypse Now podcast, alongside our ongoing look at AMC’s Preacher.

Dustin: Just as we started these reviews with The Walking Dead and added Fear the Walking Dead and Preacher to our weekly musings on things dead-ish. And didn’t you say you we’re going to make this two episodes? We talked for like two hours, and this is just a little over an hour long. You and Jason run longer than this on most of your H2O podcasts.

Timothy: Yeah, that was the plan, and then I went through and cut out all the “ums”, “errrs” and ridiculously long pauses. It’s kind of amazing how smart we sound now. Well… relatively, anyway.

Dustin: Editing can only go so far, so whatever. Anyway, here’s our musings on Dead of Summer, a show that clearly was made by fans of the 80’s wave of horror flicks, and who aren’t afraid to embrace the tropes of those not-always-classic teen slaughter-fests. And there are tropes aplenty here on display. Many tropes. Not quite all the tropes, but wow, they do a great job of hitting the big ones.

Timothy: Yeah, for those of us of a certain age, who remember watching the original Halloween and Friday the 13th films in the theater when they were new, Dead of Summer is kinda like an old friend. Well, if by “old friend” you mean something that is kinda ridiculous and yet stupidly entertaining. You can also check out our colleague Allison Isberg’s take on the first episode here, and while she didn’t have quite the fun watching it we did, well…

Dustin: … We’re older and more jaded enough to laugh at it more. And then there’s Preacher, where Eugene has been sent to Hell by the horrible Jesse, and everyone else on this show is awesome while being terrible. And if you’re watching the show, you know exactly what I mean by that.

Timothy: It is, in fact, a show about awful people who are a blast to watch, and things are about to get a lot worse for our not-remotely-heroes… but we’ll let you listen and see if you agree with our thoughts on the subject. As always, thanks for listening, and if you do that listening on iTunes, then would you kindly leave us a comment and/or rate the show? iTunes uses that info to make us more visible to the general public, and we’re greedy… we shamelessly admit we want a bigger audience.

Dustin: And if you listen to us on Podcasts.com, that’s also great, because they’re cool people who actually share their data with us, as opposed to some people… 

Timothy: Who are also awesome. Really. Anyway… thanks for listening folks, we’ll see you next week!



Season 1, Episode 1 “Patience”
Written by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, and Ian Goldberg
Directed by Adam Horowitz

Season 1, Episode 1 “Barney Rubble Eyes”
Written by Ian Goldberg
Directed by Ron Underwood



[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/zombpocalypse-now-a79ac0f68/ZOMBPOCALYPSE-NOW-PREACHERs-7th-Episode-and-DEAD-OF-SUMMERs-First-Two-4ae6″]


Season 1, Episode 7 “He Gone”
Written by Mary Laws
Directed by Michael Morris

Jackie Earle Haley as Odin Quincannon - Preacher _ Season 1, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs/Sony Pictures Television/AMC

Preacher is based on the Vertigo Comics title written by Garth Ennis with art by Steve Dillon, covers by Glenn Fabry. First released in March 1996, the entire run of 75 issues tells the story of Jesse Custer, who suddenly finds himself possessing (or possessed by?) a power, and he finds himself on a journey with former girlfriend Tulip O’Hare and an Irish vampire named Cassidy.

Preacher airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.


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