
The STEAM Summer Sale Is Here And We Are Hyped

[Featured image courtesy of Steam]

With the turn of the season comes many great things: fireflies, late sunsets, sweaty shirts, bright days. However, for those of us who value our ultra-bright skin, summer also brings a hit to our wallets. The Steam summer sale has hit, and boy is it exciting!

Gaming is as individual as eye color: there are only a few variations. No…wait no, let me try that again. Gaming is as individual as hair style: everybody has their own preferences, and some may strike others as weird. Heck, some days I might opt for a simple ponytail (Pokémon Snap), while others I might want Dutch braids into a braided bun (I don’t know, Overwatch?). The Steam sale gets a little bit of everything.

The staff here at SciFi4Me has shared some chatter about the sale ourselves. Here are some of our thoughts on what Steam has to offer!

Chris Jensen has his eye on Hollow Knight, Absolute Drift, and Space Fleet Gothic Armada. Dave Baker also has some wishlist items hitting the sale, including Steam favorites of Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, and Civ 6.

Dustin Gaito, whom you can catch on our Twitch channel every Wednesday evening and Saturday morning, said an awful lot of things. So much that I think he wrote more than I have here, and certainly more than my bank can handle. However, his single can’t miss opportunity in this Steam sale is Transistor, which is marked down to a near-criminal $2.99.

I face a budget shortage this year, but did pick up Don’t Starve Together, Transistor (on Dustin’s insistence), and Contrast. This, in addition to re-acquiring Heavy Rain for the change in my pocket at a garage sale, assures I’ll have some way to pass the time if the housework ever ends. Maybe this will be the push that gets me out of my Hatoful Boyfriend or Master of Orion II kicks I keep falling into!

The long story short, though, is that we’re hyped. We’re psyched. Pumped, even. Bottom line, this is not the sale to miss. Catch what you can from the Steam store while it lasts – after July 5th, these gems are back to full-price!

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