It’s an all-new season of the best STAR WARS news program on the web! (We think so, anyway…)
Read MoreIt’s an all-new season of the best STAR WARS news program on the web! (We think so, anyway…)
Read MoreSome Very Brief Impressions of STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI have grown into a detailed critique. Lots more to love than hate in this entry into the Star Wars Saga.
Read MoreIt’s one of the most (if not the most) anticipated movie events on the horizon. And we haven’t talked about
Read MoreEven before the curtain goes up on the first season of Star Wars: Rebels, which is set to officially start
Read MoreSpeculation about a casting announcement for Star Wars was running high after Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill were
Read MoreStill no word on casting for Episode VII, but we have other bits and bites: the Naboo palace needs better
Read MoreScouring the Holonet so you don’t have to! Your Other Car May Be an X-Wing… …but does it have GPS?
Read MoreWhat does it take to put on a concert featuring some of the most popular film music in the history
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