Comic Books & Graphic NovelsInterviews

SciFi4Chicks: Heroes, Hypocrites & Hotties in SLEEPY HOLLOW

The gods of technology were not kind to us his week and recording this week’s podcast for Sleepy Hollow was as easy as getting ahead of Henry’s plot was for Abby and Ichabod. And by that I mean not easy at all…

While our Witnesses faced against the Horseman of War, trying to find a cursed coin and stopping Jenny from shooting the Sheriff, Henry was messing with them on all fronts: he banned them from seeing Captain Irving, he tampered with evidence right under their noses and he created a whole miniature version of Sleepy Hollow (because that’s not going to come back to bite them).

We were also introduced to a new (and hopefully recurring) character, whom we quickly dubbed “Hottie” and argued extensively about the American history and the way the show references various historical figures. In a shocking plot twist, you will learn that Alex is not American! *gasp!*

Tune in for another installment of SciFi4Chicks and let us know where on the scale from Little Women to Whatever Happened To Baby Jane would you rate the Mills sisters and their dynamic in this episode.

The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.



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