Television & Film

RUMOR HAS IT – Arrow, Marvel shows and Doctor Who!


TV season is slowly starting and so RUMOR HAS IT is returning to its regular posting. Today, it’s all about Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter and Doctor Who. With a little bonus from our Tumblr page. After you get all the news and spoilers, let us know in the comments what you’re looking forward to the most this fall.


Arrow Hits The Spot

Stephen Amell, CW’s Arrow and the King of Facebook attended Fan Expo event in Toronto, Canada and there’s video to prove it

His Q&A sessions are always cool and informative and this one isn’t any different.

While the news that Liam Neeson would love to reprise his role as Ra’s al Ghul on Arrow is probably not something we will ever see happening, it’s still no. 1 on my Wishful Thinking list. Here’s what Neeson said about his possible successor:

They have to believe in their philosophy. Ra’s al Ghul absolutely believed what he was doing was ultimately saving civilization, and it was quite a good argument he comes up with. Throughout the ages this fraternity, that brought the plague to wipe out a section of mankind because it needed to be regenerated again. Very dangerous, but you have to believe it.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at ComicCon

Executive producers Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, Jeffrey Bell and Jeph Loeb did some interviews at ComicCon where they talked about the new season of the show, including the way Hydra will influenced the storyline.

Doctor Who Visits Sherwood

Take a look at the promos released for the upcoming episode of Doctor Who:

Casting News

Arrow released a couple of casting news recently. Nolan Funk (Glee) as Cooper Seldon (not going to lie, at first I thought somebody made a typo and this is actually a tribute to Sheldon Cooper…), Felicity’s college boyfriend, a hacker. He’ll appear in, of course, “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak,” which’ll be episode five of the new season. Amy Gumenick (Supernatural) has been cast as Carrie Cutter (a.k.a. Cupid), a lethal villainness with an obsessive crush on the Arrow. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told Entertainment Weekly:

I always loved the idea of Green Arrow having a crazed fan. When I was writing the comic book, my big goal was to create a villain who would last. Cupid has since appeared in the DC Nation shorts on Cartoon Network, and to have her fight our TV Arrow is so much more than I ever could have hoped for the character.

Joining the cast of the upcoming television show Agent Carter are Enver Gjokaj (Dollhouse) and Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill). Murray will play SSR Agent Jack Thompson. Gjokaj will play “the sweet and honorable Agent Daniel Sousa, a true war hero who has risked his life many times – resulting once in a crippling leg injury.” This news makes me wonder whether or not anyone at Marvel will adress the fact that Gjokaj already had a tiny role in Joss Whedon’s Avengers where he was a uniformed cop during the siege of New York City.


And for the final note, take a look at the photo still from the upcoming episode of Outlander, airing Sept. 6.


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