RiffTrax Live’s Next Show — SAMURAI COP — in April
{Header image used courtesy Fathom Events.}
No, it’s not a cop who’s also a samurai, but actually a cop NAMED Samurai (Mathew Karedas) — well, nicknamed it, anyway. He and his truly epic hair have come to the City of Angels to fight the Katana, a gang interested in leading the drug trade.
Bad fight scenes, camera mugging, and more are just a hint of why the crew of RiffTrax decided to make this their first live event for 2017.
“It’s hard to say exactly what makes Samurai Cop a favorite to us and our audience,” said Michael J. Nelson in the press release. “Maybe the fact that the title character is not a samurai — not even a little. It could also be the terrible black wig he wears for half the scenes in the movie and tries to pass off as real hair. Whatever the reason it must be seen to be believed.”
Samurai Cop is the 24th time RiffTrax has partnered with Fathom Events to share the live event in cinema screens across the nation. It will be broadcast live on April 13, with a rebroadcast on April 18. The crew currently has two more shows planned for 2017: a Summer Shorts Beach Party on June 15, and a’super secret mystery title’ scheduled for August 17 that will be determined once their current Kickstarter ends (scheduled to end in three days as of the time of this article).
For tickets and a list of participating theatres, visit the Fathom Events website.
You can see more of Angie’s work (and her social media connections) over at her website.