Television & Film

OUTLANDER Cast Adds David Berry as Lord John Grey


[Header image courtesy Starz.]


Fair fans of Outlander, awake from your weary Droughtlander slumber! I bring happy news!

No, season three hasn’t aired yet. I didn’t mean that kind of good news. Oh, don’t look at me like that. It’s only the end of August, you should know better.


Earlier today, Starz announced the arrival of a new cast member for Outlander: Book Three. Aussie actor David Berry (and his impressively chiseled jawbone) will soon be striding into 18th century Scotland and onto your screens as “Lord John Grey.”

David Berry + His Jawbone with actress Arianwen Parkes-Lockwood (on left). [Courtesy Wikimedia Commons.]
David Berry + His Jawbone with actress Arianwen Parkes-Lockwood (on left). [Courtesy Wikimedia Commons.]
Says Starz, “Lord John William Grey is a steadfast and honorable British subject, torn between a finely-honed sense of familial duty and a strong moral compass of right and wrong.  He is boyishly handsome with an upper class rearing — the consummate gentleman.  However, a scandal from his past has relegated Lord John to an undesirable position as governor of a desolate prison in Northern Scotland.”

While his aforementioned Jawline o’ Granite is surely enough to get many viewers excited, I must advise caution. I mean, look at the last British-Dude-In-Charge-Of-A-Scottish-Prison we knew.

Black Jack Randall, standing in a garden and looking like the Buttface he is.
Buttface McSmellyfart over here.

I’m not saying that Lord John William Grey is going to spend his spare time slapping cute babies in the face. (I swear, I saw Black Jack slap like, five babies last season. Probably.) But I am saying that before you go into complete swoon mode over this chap, remember that he’s a Redcoat running a prison, a place where things do not usually go well for our be-kilted heroes.

Actor David Berry, on the other hand, seems pretty much legit. According to Starz, Berry started his entertainment career as a vocalist before studying both Political Science and acting at the collegiate level. The past few years have seen him take roles in Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2011), Home and Away (2012), and A Place to Call Home (2016).

Actor David Berry, facing the camera.
David Berry + His Jawbone

Both Outlander cast and fans alike have been quick to welcome Berry to the Highland family fold. And, Mr. Berry, allow me to add my good wishes to those greetings. We’re all very excited to see you in season three and I hope nothing very traumatic happens to your character. Though, given that this is Outlander, Lord Grey’s chances of escaping unscathed are, as they say, “wee”.

Outlander is produced by Starz and Sony Pictures Television and broadcast on Starz. It is currently on an already-too-long hiatus.

For more info on the show, check out the Outlander Facebook page and the Starz website.

For more content to help you forget that Droughtlander is happening, check out our other Outlander coverage.


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