Kenneth Branagh Chosen To Direct ARTEMIS FOWL Adaptation
The Tracking Board reports that Kenneth Branagh is set to direct Artemis Fowl, a wildly popular children’s book that turned into an eight book series due to its success. Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl was first published in 2001, and ever since then several companies have tried to create a film adaptation.
The project first started in 2001 when Harvey Weinstein obtained the rights with Miramax Films. The film was never made, then in 2005 Disney bought Miramax Films and they acquired the rights to Artemis Fowl. In 2011, Jim Sheridan was brought on to write and direct, but left the project in 2013. Disney then announced they will produce the film with the Weinstein Co., and Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal will be executive producing.
Artemis Fowl is the story of a twelve year old boy who is the anti-hero mastermind. In an attempt to bring back his family’s fortune, he kidnaps Holly Short, who is the fairy captain of the Lower Elements Police Recon. Further in the series he works with the fairies to resolve conflicts.
Branagh gained huge success when he directed Cinderella, which earned about $67 million its opening weekend. He has also directed Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and Thor.
The film adaptation of Artemis Fowl will cover the first two books in the series. Michael Goldenberg, who wrote the screenplay for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is writing the screenplay for Artemis Fowl.
No other details about the film have been released.