Television & Film

Syfy Enters a NEW WORLD with PRIMEVAL Spinoff

Syfy and Entertainment One have announced a deal that brings Primeval back!

OK, so it’s the spinoff — Primeval: New World, but still. Dinosaurs are better than zombies. And the Primeval universe has always been a fun playground. So in 2013, Syfy will have the thirteen episodes from the first season.

Eureka alum Niall Matter leads the cast, which includes original show veteran Andrew Lee Potts. Matter plays a scientist who apparently finds a way to open the portals to dinosaur-land, thus creating the need for a new team of Primeval-busters. Who you gonna call?

The creative team looks solid, too, with genre veterans from all over the colony: Executive Producers Martin Wood (Sanctuary, Stargate: Atlantis) and Gillian Horvath (Sanctuary, Highlander).  The spin-off was created by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (Star Trek: Enterprise, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World) and will be written by Gillian Horvath, Peter Hume (Charmed, Flash Gordon), Jon Cooksey (The Collector, The Outer Limits), Sarah Dodd (Flashpoint, Arctic Air), Katherine Collins (Endgame), and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens.

Amanda Tapping is on board to direct several episodes.

So… yay?


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

2 thoughts on “Syfy Enters a NEW WORLD with PRIMEVAL Spinoff

  • The original UK version was a lot of fun, but you definitely had to leave your sense of disbelief at the door! 😉 Many comic elements were injected that really helped that show (more so in the first season, though). It’s an unknown as to whether a darker Canadian version as promised can pull off the same dino-a-week gimmick. Regardless, it will be nice for this fan to see Andrew Lee Potts reprising his role as Connor Temple on our side of the pond, even if only in a limited way.

    There are a lot of former “Stargate” folks involved in the production of the new Canadian series, which also helps fuel my interest. 🙂 Filming wrapped at the end of July this year, which was filmed in Vancouver (a city I have visited many times and simply love), so I look forward to seeing much of that city featured on the show.


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