SciFi4Chicks: Clone Club Edition – The One with the Freezer
It’s the penultimate episode of season two. WHAT?!?! Say it isn’t so! Alex and I were just getting into this! And there are so many questions…
- Where’s Cal?
- Where’s Jesse?
- Where’s Paul?
Okay, there’s a lot more questions than our #ShinyHappyPlace guys…
- Is the Creepy Religious Cult done now that Helena burned down the farm?
- What’s Mark’s back story, and did he know any of the others back then?
- Will we see a unit photo?
- Will Delphine ever get a clue?
- Will Scott ever meet the girl of his dreams?
- How sick will they let Cosima get?
- How far will Rachel go?
- Who is a bigger threat- Rachel or Marion?
- Is Sarah a good mother?
- Does murder really bring a couple closer?
- How long does it take for concrete to cure in a garage?
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of questions! With only one more episode this season (NOOOOO!) there are SO many ways they can go. We’ve met nine clones… is that all? Drat! We forgot to talk about that! Next time... but that is so not the end of the intrigue. With everything they have set up and teased, how can they even get to a cohesive cliffhanger?!
Well, I guess you’ll just have to listen and find out! (Although, “unconditional surrender” is a good place to start! Or end…?)
Let us know your thoughts, especially about the Inside Look about Sarah as a mother. You can also call our hotline with your thoughts! Until next time, enjoy these sneak peek photos from the finale!