Recap: iZOMBIE Pours Some Sugar on SciFi4Chicks
Episode 216 “Pour Some Sugar, Zombie”
Directed by Mairzee Almas
Written by Diane Ruggerio-Wright
iZombie strips down to give us a story that moves more pieces into place. The question is… does it move the story along? Peyton is back where she belongs in our circle of friends. (Looking back, it makes us wonder if Gunther was on Team Z! Just look at that hair!) She seems to be fully embracing the whole ‘my roommate is a zombie’ thing, even to the point that she’s using Liv’s visions to help bring down Stacy Boss. But things don’t quite work the way she plans when Liv gets in touch with her stripper side! While the ladies try to bring down a killer and a mob boss, Blaine is having an identity crisis without even realizing it. Speaking of an identity crisis, Ravi finds out that his bromance isn’t what he thought as he learns Major has been keeping a major secret. Talk about trust issues! Meanwhile, Drake is still on ice and Rita hits the freezer for a brainburger. Being a zombie is the least of her worries! (She should have had a bite of Liv’s BLT… brain, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Still waiting for that iZombie cookbook!)
Dorin and Heather return to the microphone to discuss the episode “Pour Some Sugar, Zombie.” (Yes, you may sing along and thrash your mullet!) What will happen to poor Z-Rita? Will Liv figure out what’s really happened to Drake? Does Clive even need Liv to solve Crimes anymore? Can Peyton bring down boss, or is she getting in too deep? Will Scott E and Silent Z start there own business? Can Blaine survive realizing that he is a former double zombie and three times human? Does Ravi really think Major is the Chaos Killer, or is he just holding a grudge about Minor?
The panel: Heather French, Dorin Schadel.
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Tune in for the latest installment of SciFi4Chicks and hear Heather and Dorin’s opinions about the plot thickening, stories intertwining, relationships breaking apart and coming together.
So many questions, so little time! What did you think of this week’s episode? Join the discussion in the comments or on Twitter! Let us know your favorite part: Liv and Peyton, Blaine and Scott E, Liv and Drake’s mom, Rita and the bad guy, or Major and Ravi. Finally, rate the episode on our iZombie Hotness Scale.
Dorin and Heather return next week for episode 217 “Reflections of the way Liv used to Be” on iZombie, so make sure to subscribe to SciFi4Chicks!