Comic Books & Graphic Novels

From the Editor 3.28.11 – Planet Comicon pt. 2

Well, the second and final day of PLANET COMICON 2011 has come and gone, and it looks like the crowd was almost as large as it was for the first day.

Costumes in place: Artemis, Icon, Batman, Hit Girl, Padme Amidala, Rorschach, Wonder Girl, Black Canary, and Nite Owl.

Speaking of Black Canary, I got a few minutes to speak with ALAINA HUFFMAN about her new MTV Comics project: AGENT MOM. And yes, there’s video, which will be coming shortly.

And the highlight of my day was the panel with LINDSAY WAGNER (the original, accept no remakes or substitutes Bionic Woman). She had some interesting things to say about where her career has gone, and where she feels it’s about to go – and that may include a return to “Warehouse 13”.

Did you go to Planet Comicon this year? Was it good for you?


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

3 thoughts on “From the Editor 3.28.11 – Planet Comicon pt. 2

  • I was the Nite Owl! If you’ve got any pictures, let me know!


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