Conventions & Events

Burkheart Issues Response to ArmadilloCon Incident

On August 8th, ArmadilloCon issued a statement regarding an “incident” that took place at the event in Austin, TX. While the details were sparse, the report states that a panel participant went “significantly off-topic” and later “laid hands” on another convention attendee.

Author K. Tempest Bradford took to Twitter to share that she had been invited to participate in the same panel — Writing From Other Perspectives, moderated by Suyi Davies Okungbowa — and that the “off-topic” panelist was Becky Burkheart, who seemed to take offense to a question from the audience. Bradford writes that she was told that Burkheart confronted the audience member at the hotel bar later that evening.

Bradford’s account of the incident is second-hand, and an online search for corroboration yields no results, nor can we find video of the panel to confirm Bradford’s description of how Burkheart went “off-topic”.

Burkheart has since provided us with a statement in response to the events of that weekend:

First of all, I want to say that I deeply regret that I upset other panelists and con-goers. It was not my intention and I fully understand why the management asked me to leave under those circumstances. I wholeheartedly apologized to con management however, I wasn’t immediately able to express my regret to the other parties involved — so I very much appreciate the opportunity to do so now. I hope, if they are watching this, they can accept my apology and perhaps even be willing to reach out to let me know if there is any action I can take to make amends. In closing, I would like to encourage listeners to use my gaffe as a learning experience. For me, it will be a constant reminder to be ever mindful of convention protocols, personal boundaries and common courtesies. I’ve been a respected member of our local writing community for over 20 years, without incident, and I can assure you that this will never happen again. Thank you again for allowing me to express my contrition.
We have reached out to the organizers at ArmadilloCon to follow up, but have not heard back yet. We will update when more information is available.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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