
Bookworm Benefit for Children’s Literacy



[Editor’s Note: while this technically isn’t genre-specific, it does fall into our coverage of technology.]

SOLON, OH (January 2, 2013)– Findaway World, an audiobook technology provider, has announced the launch of Bookopotamus, an audiobook trivia app, designed to entertain book lovers while raising money for First Book, a nonprofit organization determined to see that all children have access to an ongoing supply of new books.

In an effort to increase the charitable impact of the app, Bookopotamus, which initially launched to Findaway World partners and customers during the holiday season, is now available to everyone via the Apple App Store and through Google Play. “Bookopotamus exposes more users to the value of audiobooks while ensuring that children in need will get to experience them too”,” comments Dean Skinner, Chief Creative and Marketing Officer at Findaway World.

Book2   Book1

In each round of Bookopotamus, the player is presented with an audible audiobook quote and is asked to guess, against the clock, which book the quote is from. The earlier the answer is provided, the higher the score for the game. As they play, users evolve from a curious little Bookworm into a Bookopotamus with an insatiable appetite for books.

Book selections range from bestsellers to the classics and context clues within the quotes can guide even those with less book exposure to find the right answer. As an entertaining bonus, all sound effects in the game were verbally made by members of the Findaway World team.

The more people who download the app and play, the larger the donation (up to $10,000 in Playaways) Findaway World is making to First Book. Donations will continue to accumulate through March 2014.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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